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this was a web page I made for some one now I use it for school work

Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm). one of the reasons elderly depression goes untreated is becuase the patient doesn't tell the doctor and the doctor doesn't take the time to ask how the person is doing. so then the depressed patient goes untreated the other problem is that depression is confused with Parkinson's or Alzheimer's and dementia depression is also confused with thyroid disorders, strokes or heart disease the other thing is that some side effects from medication include depression so depression. also depression can give people aches and pains. as anybody can see depression is a life thretning disease that is hard to diagnose. when a person is depressed suicide does not seem like a bad idea, but more like freedom. ------------------------------------------------------

Pocket drive
john williams
light thing
Depression Among the Elderly
senior care center
The Elderly Population
the number of nursing homes
long term care plan
Japan statisics
elderly japan suicide
dealing with depression in the elderly
statisics for eldely in america