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Gryffen Kahlil 7/14/00 Cancer-Dragon

This little Tom Cat is my baby and the man of the family. He's a great little person, so good natured and has such amazing dimples! <--home...

Gryffen at 4 months

This pic was supposed to go with the other 8x10 portraits of the grandchildren at my Dad and Mom's house. I didn't think of putting him in "baby" clothes, because to me, he looks like a little man...and pastel colors just don't suit him. It would be like putting a lumberjack in a tu-tu. But here he looks like his own grandpa on a day off. Next to the other grandchildren he looks kind of like that lumberjack...but that's OK! <--home...

Photo shoot for Parent Magazine (issue 03/01)

Gryffen models on occasion and this was a shot for an editorial about developmental stages in the first year. He was the "grasping" baby. In the final cut they only used a closeup of his hands, but he seemed to enjoy doing the shoot! <--home...

Gryffen experimenting with alternative hair

A thin slice of collard is his hair extension of choice. He didn't want to be the one with the shortest hair in the family anymore. I think green quite suits him. Also...check out the carrot nose-ring! <--home...