Nuclear Funtime Guestbook Archive

Nuclear Funtime

Guestbook Archive

Kiri 18/Jul/2002:04:58:13
You have done a wonderful job on this site!
LUCAN   10/Jul/2002:08:11:23
where are you?

I now live in Bosque Farms, biological consulting
work....have daughter, Emilie, age 5, 1/2 the time...what up w/ you?

wolf boy
hunter hunter husar 24/May/2002:09:03:03
i am all things to all people
Rianna   07/May/2002:08:57:26
Best site on the web. I love it here!
Guwie Guwie's Animatie's 24/Apr/2002:15:27:34
Hello dear, your site is very wonderfulm enjoyed my visit, l will com
back to see your site more. Greatings Guwie
Stormchilde   10/Jan/2002:19:57:11
Happy news gears Max! I really appreciate the lovely card you sent me,
who is that masked woman anyways? Beauty-full Eyes that one. Well im
off, the storm is moving and Seeing as I am in the Eye of it I two must
move, or go through the thick of it to get back to a very distant and
seemingly doomed "civil" lie-zation, and who ever heard of a civil lie
anyway? Ah but BuSinNess was an honest lable eh? May our planet survive
to see little nuclear max-millions.

Stormy (who..ooaa...aaarrrrhhhhhhhh........*whoosh*)
Steve Johnson   16/Dec/2001:08:16:13
Pretty good, so far. I'll be combing the site in more detail over my
Winter holiday.


stormchilde   12/Dec/2001:02:18:41
Oh yeah, for all of you twisted artist types out there, looking for
some kind of sensible confusion, laurie anderson.

for you conspiracy theorists go straight to the source an (ex?) cia/cop
something or other probably some kind of sucker magnet for conspiracy

for you reactionaries check out

and for you actionaries check out indymedia.

peace in the middle east?...
stormchilde   12/Dec/2001:01:40:59
Mr. newclear, where have you been all my life? Ahh its so nice to have
an informative newsource for information and not just programming
purposes. Deprogramming via image-eye-nationalisticky bits of curio for
no other reason than to live and live free. I think I might have been
related to you in another life cycle or maybe just lived in your
basement... hmm peace and free-on !
Cleophas Revelation 26/Jun/2001:19:49:59
LOOK: Holy Secrets plus Forbidden Knowledge revealed to Seekers of
truth concerning: Yahweh, Elohim, Yeshua, "Holy Sex", "See how we have
all been deceived"! The real "Jehovah", "Heaven's Gate", "Sun-day"
exposed", "Messianics", "Noachides", "Netzarim", "Nazarenes", "Esoteric"
, "Secrets of the Great Pyramid", "Malakim", "the Essenes", "The real
Hidden Torah Codes", "Yahuah", "Yahshua", "Yahushua", "Gematria", "Holy
Kabbalah", "666", ",, "Heaven's
Gate", "Ancient Wisdom", "The Unknown", " HaShem", "Sabbath", "Shabat",
discover the Hidden Secrets of the world, the Unexplained Mysteries,
hundreds more fascinating "Forbidden Subjects"! Results of 40 years of
relentless research. Visit this amazing web site! Thank you. See:    

david f single bullet theory 05/Apr/2001:18:58:38
Okay, you bastards. I have tracked yu down, where is my fantastic
promised prize from the fabulous soundtraks of hooror contest on the
nitemare city halloween radio show. the card was nice, but i am not
placated. U think i cannot work a computer hah. I bet you guys are too
caught up listening to hour of slack to fullfill your promises. Just
for that, I am not going to reveal to you where the third rife is
hidden that was used behind the wooden stockade. By the way, the
Vatican has the rifle that was used from the grazzy knoll. There is an
alternative to snail mail-use the "trystero system." also known as the
muted horn. luv, el segundo20000.
Robert Sommers Blu Heron Gallery 28/Mar/2001:16:47:01
I enjoyed your space - you might want to link with smirking chimp. Don't
bother with my site - selling to the yuppies...
The Infinite One i n f i n i t e r e a l m 11/Mar/2001:11:20:29

Hello everyone! Mr. Nuclear has given me the awesome task of letting you
know that Nuclear Enterprises is NOW Nuclear Funtime, -&- has moved to a
newer sleeker URL for the 21st century and the real millennium!!!
The new URL address is:

Mr. Big Bad Ass Honk   03/Mar/2001:11:43:55
Sweet website !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark Lord Burn in the Embers of Hell (not accessible 19/Feb/2001:18:02:41
Mr. Nuclear:

May I call you mister? It's so formal, when we should be so friendly.

It is clear to me that you are a pale imposter. Or an impaled imposter. You are nothing more than a brainless
booby wearing a dumb mask that looks to be about twenty years old. And that axe -- spare me. What other
obvious oddities should I expect to see from you -- babies in a blender?

You know that Satan knows all. And as part of the triumvirate: Beezel (my brother), Satan (my father) and
me (Dark Lord) -- I am part of the General Conscience of Matter, be it grey or white. And in your case, black
as coal is the color of your brain. You have, by recent calculations, about 38 remaining brain connections.
The rest have been wiped and severed clean, dangling from disease, symptomatic to drug use, abuse and
constipation. Use your remaining synapses carefully, my friend. Because a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

You will soon be facing charges of Misuse of a Bomb Shelter (in Hell, a stiff penalty applies,
the infinite one i n f i n i t e r e a l m 16/Feb/2001:18:24:27
it's still true today after all these years ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!!!
The Satyr The Satyr 04/Sep/2000:14:22:13
Thanks for your feedback on the Satyr poll! Cool site. staff
peebles void where prohibited 28/Aug/2000:17:23:53
Interesting site.. I like those gas mask photos :)
Trent God Is Dead 25/Aug/2000:13:18:53
Crazy site man...that's all I got to say...crazy site
slight   21/Aug/2000:08:29:55
The Infinite One The Land of Cosmic Bliss -&- Infinity 20/Aug/2000:19:32:42
I am ONE with U Mr. Nuclear! I have seen into the crystal clear center
of nuclear fission -&- I know that it is the all of nothingness. We are
all elements of the GREAT EXISTENCE of consciousness and being. See you
in the 10th, my Lord.....
Martian Neon Creatur ELEMENTAL 10/Jun/2000:10:24:36
(or even yesterday..)

Fer that matter,KILL *EVERYONE*!

Except ME,of course.
SOMEONE has got to RULE the EARTH afterwards,
and *I* AM the BEST CHOICE fer THAT job!

And the job is ALOT EZ-er,with NO *annoying* humans around,
ESPECIALLY *Max Nuclear*!

Humans! (cringe!) (gag!) (*shiver*!)
VA I hardly know you... 30/May/2000:13:42:30
Hel-Ber, the Octopoi Too long for this space 26/May/2000:09:33:25
Yeah. Where are Victoria and Vulnavia?
Lolaaaaaaaaah   24/May/2000:21:51:15
Greetings, aaaand the web site is refreshing, but why, ooooohhhhh why,
haven't you included the entire Nuclear cast of deranged (but
delightful) characters? Inquiring minds want to know… Hmmmmm. Could you
also show some of your famous short Nuclear films? I especially enjoy
the ones with explosives. ORRRRR, perhaps could you just share a photo
of that old stump in the yard (or was it a safe)? Bring back some (heavy
sigh -&- snicker) memories for the old fans.Ahhhhhhhhh...
Miss Max   24/May/2000:19:16:52
Has it been 21 years already! Time does fly! You still kick ass, Mr.
Bismark Eric Maxwell's ImpalaSS Page 23/Apr/2000:10:19:02
Honestly Mr Nuclear, you need to lay off the mushroons for awhile.
gillus 12/Apr/2000:12:04:02
Mojo Nuclear Enterprises 31/Mar/2000:04:38:18
I just couldn't resist! The stupid bastard doesn't even know I can

Bo Beardsley   17/Mar/2000:21:27:48
About damn time! Mister Nuclear has needed a webpage for years and
years. Now I can do my Aerobic Break Dancing and read The Turdswamp to
my hearts content.

Oh! Wait a minute. I don't see the Turdswamp Gazette available here.
What gives?
Teddy Jack Eddy   16/Mar/2000:12:05:43
Wow man! Like blow my mind!! This is one awesome sight!!! I will come
back often!!!! Mr. Nuclear you RULE!!!!!

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