July 18, 2002
Holy shit, it's been half a year since I've updated. Can ya believe it? Ok, not really update, but left any sort of note here. Well kids, I'm thinking of revamping this site, recreating it or something. Haven't figured out about what. Maybe Lucky Charms...sorry, been eating the whole box. Anyways, the point is, everything here will prolly be taken down...eventually, and new stuff will be added (maybe). So if you have any ideas as for a topic for the site ("Music" "life" and some details would be nice), feel free to e-mail me and just drop a line, or drop it off in my guestbook. I am asking you to use my guestbook link because I'll actually know when you sign it, versus the one on here, since I'm too damn lazy to update the e-mail address on there. ::sigh:: Anyways, thank you for your time and patience and blah blah, I can't believe you're still reading this you big oaf :)

February 18, 2002
Hmm..so it's been a while since an update...sorry! I've just been so busy with school. Semester finals hit, and I had to study, then the teachers bombed me with projects. I just recently finished a project on Robert F. Flemming Jr. who was the first man (nonetheless, a black man in 1886) to patent the guitar. There was no information on him..and so we all worked our BUTTS off to do a wonderful job, and it was only worth 20 points. Sucks to that.
Once I finished all those projects, I decided I deserved a break. A looong break. One away from the computer, from my brain, from a lot of things. A lot of things have happened too. My wonderful boyfriend got me a gorgeous rose and angel bear for Valentine's. I felt very special I must admit. Very. Brisa and I are back on good terms. Hmm...it's just been pretty good now that I think of it. Sorry no real updates lately. I added a second page to the picture gallery, if that counts. I never said anything. It's been there for about a month :) Have fun taking a look at that. The reason I haven't made many updates is cuz I usually type in my online diary at (a href="http://diaryland.com">Diaryland.com. If you want the link to my diary, well, dammit, ask! Anyways, I'm out. Just thought I might wanna update the page! ~I'm out.

January 9, 2002
Man...first off I wanna say I feel really bad that Dave Thomas of Wendy's has passed away. Man, we jinxed it all. Nena, look what we did! My sincerest apologies go out to his family and friends and customers...we will never see that smiling face make another commercial :'(
By the way, late Happy late birthday to Jason. Much love goes out to my sweetie boy on that.
In any case, went to the Handsome Devil concert. Wow. It kicked my ass hard! Phatter Than Albert rocked hard too. Too bad Vegas crowds (the majority of them) never get into it. It was a totally good band. And Lit? Well duh, everybody loved them! And the pit? It was sooo much fun!! In any case, maybe I'll get some HD pictures up soon from the concert...they came out blurry, but the memories are in there :) Well, that's all for now. I must be going!

December 30, 2001
First off, I wanna say Happy Birthday Ty!!. I gotta brag that I was the first person to tell him that today..16 minutes into the day...
Second up, I wanted to thank Jason for signing my guestbook. Isn't he sweet?
Anyways, I added the picture of my radioactive monkey on the Picture Gallery. Click that to see it :) The Family had to get 12 of those so she could get her Scooby Doo. Hope ya happy girlie :)

December 28, 2001
Ok, quick thanks! Just wanted to say thanks to a Stacian for signing a girlie's guestbook! And yeh I wanna skrap, c'mon foo'!

December 27, 2001
Yes, back again. And so soon too! Amazing. Two updates in two days..something is wrong with me..::goes off to her "happy place"::...ahem...anyways. Back to the main topic here! Umm.....well, big thanks to Jared for signing my purdy guestbook...but it wasn't really Jared. It was "Spoon." Big thanks to you ::wonders about her choice of friends::. In any case, that's about it for today. I need to go sign Jared's GB now before he complains like a woman about it....

December 26, 2001
Wow..Christmas day is over. I don't know about you all, but I'm glad! The family was over as usual. Another day of...interesting hell. Anyways.
I wanna thank Crystal for sending in a review of the HD concert she went to last Wednesday ((damn! Wish I coulda gone!)). So a big thanks goes out to here for that. I also need ta thank Ariana for signing my G-spot and checkin' out the site.
Oh, I ended up buying the Rocky Horror Picture Show while I was at the mall the other week, and just got around to opening it Christmas Eve. What a great movie ::sarcasm::..too bad it wasn't RHPS! It was a claymation/cartoon movie about Jesus. It was...skary. The only characters on TV that should be clay are Gumby and Pokey and the Blockheads. Well, updates-wise, I re-edited my story White, cuz the last one sucked. Why didn't anyone say anything?? Oh goodness..plus the HD review (I still haven't updated the tourdates, but HD is gunna be back here in Vegas w/ Lit at the Joint for $15 January 5th)...and um..Oh yeh..I need to go add Jared's site link to my links page...maybe by the time you read this I'll have that done....

December 14, 2001
I get lazier and lazier each time. How retarded! Anyways, sorry it's been a while. I reall haven't had time for any updates...on anything. I had some brochure done for World History, and finally got Microsoft Word on this computer 2 days before..leaving a very lazy Marie to do all the work in those days.
Anyways, onto the subject...hmm..nothing has really been going on in the life of Marie. I wanna thank my good buddy TyTy for signing my guestbook, and I wanna apologize for being cranky when he called last night at 11 o'clock...I was asleep and very tired. That's all.
Well, Marie is sick. I just got over my cough and sore throat..now it's switching from stuffy nose to snifflez, and back again. I need to add my friend Jared's site up on my links page. Someone wanna e-mail me and remind me? Anyways, I'm done here. I'll add up a new thing soon. I got a sad lil labyrinthine sentence I wrote in English. Hopefully this update will remind me to do this. If someone wants to e-mail me and remind me, that'd be great...

December 2, 2001
Yanno. It just took me forever to figure out what day today is. I just realized that I signed in on the wrong day in the Volunteer Sign-in book at the Animal Shelter. My mom told me it was the 12th, so that's what I put. Otherwise, sorry! I haven't updated in forever. That figures. I'm a bum. I still really haven't updated much. Enzo has joined us on the messageboards, so a welcome to him. Not much to say tonight. Another time when I'm about ready to keel over from being so tired. Oh, I got a Chesire cat hoodie today. Plus I get to wear it with my blue beanie with ears :) I'm gunna go. This is getting retarded. November 22, 2001
HAPPY TURKEY DAY everyone! Or food day in some cases. Wow..it's finally *THAT* day..the day we all get to pig out on food all day and no one cares about their weight, except a select few. In any case, I hope you all have a WONDEROUS Thanksgiving eating your ham/turkey/eggrolls/any other good food that's the highlight of your meal! Sorry, no updates lately, but it's ok...I'll get working on it eventually :D Just trying to enjoy my four day weekend :)

November 15, 2001
The updates get less and less frequent. Sorry! Just a bit slow. So much work! Here I think I'll share..but first, I would like to say: If ANYONE finds guitar tabs to the song "Heaven" by Moonpools and Caterpillars PLEASE E-mail it to me! Thanks! On with my list:
1. Law: Current Event on Child Abuse-due tom.
2. 12 words to define, write sentences for, definitions for, etc - due tom.
3. Study for World History I'm no good at that class - test tm.
4. Algebra matrices problems #1-13, due tom.
5. Time line for Chem - Due next Tues.
6. Book report on Levi Strauss - Due next Tues.
7. 2 more book reports due in the beginning of December.
Grr..so much work! Anyways. I had a rather good day Tuesday. Heheh. Any close friends should/will know the story. I won't share it here. Then Wednesday blew. That's all. It just blew. Today? I pinned this one girl in the head with some gum wrapper. Really for no good reason. Well, personal reasons. What? She hit me! Sheesh. I'm serious. I kinda lost it and decided to slam it back at her. Dumb female.
Oh, before I forget. I would like to semi-thank Torry for signing my guestbook. Why the semi? I take offense that people call me "mister." First off, my name's Rei if you didn't know, and second, I don't remember me mentioning anything about me being a guy or looking anything like a guy. But I could always be wrong. But it's all good :) Mistakes happen!
Anyways, I've also come to the conclusion that the world is rather dumb in general. I mean, why is it that when you like someone, they never like you, but it's all the guys that you don't like that like you? And the ones that do like you don't get the hint you don't like them, and the ones that don't don't get the hint that you like them? Ok. Thought process for the day is over. Thank you kiddies. Now go home.

November 9, 2001
Wow, I seriously need to visit my own site more often! Sheesh. The Site Finally Had Its Number 1ooo Visitor! I would like to congratulate Goten for being that visitor number! So Goten, how many times did you hit the refresh button? j/k!
Well, according to Nesana the messageboards are back up, so everyone be sure to go sign up. I haven't checked them myself, so if they're not working, it's all Nesana's fault!
Other than all that, not much has happened. Just the usuals of school stuff. Oh, and we're up to a LOT more than 1ooo hits. Last I looked, we were at some 9oo and sumpthin', so that's a big difference from what it was. Don't ask about why I'm so easily amazed by this stuff. It's late..or not really. I'm just tired. Not really that either. I don't know. Rambling. Gunna go. Uhh..right.

November 4, 2001
Well, first off, Happy Late Birthday Ashley!. I hope she enjoyed her "surprise" party :) Heheh..I got some BAD pictures in my camera...I hope they come out..I got a bunch of the back of Alfie's head I think........::ahem::
Anyways, thanks to RJ for signing my guestbook! He rawks. Oh the memories of him eating Ms. Fisher's Skittles...
Well, I'm going to get going. No webpage managers are uploading, and I wonder if this will save. We'll see. ::cross your fingers:: November 1, 2001
Another day. Oy. For some reason the boards are down. You can check 'em...maybe they're back up. Stupid things. I got my first B. Stupid W. H. Well, ok, so it was my fault, but I have an 89.0! That's not fair! Grr! That's dumb I think. Ty says I shouldn't be mad, but I am mad cuz it bothers me that I was .5% away from getting an A. Sh*t.
And I hate cocky/stupid females. I have come to the conclusion I don't get along with chicks very well at all. I had a few encounters with the caucasian female kind today. Whata bunch of dumb broads.
Don't get me wrong, some are nice, but they're so retarded! And it's not just caucasians either. There are some pretty dumb people of every race out there. And there's probably the same percentage of dumb females of every race anyways.
Sorry, feeling a bit cranky today. Somethings just really piss me off. Guys piss me off too. Some are so naive, but others are just dumb. For some reason though, in my book, if you're cute enough, it doesn't matter. :)
Anyways, that's all. I'm going to go. Go...look at my Rome site! Yeh! Click on the Flavian Ampitheatre and tell me what you think through e-mail or on my guestbook! Byee!
October 25, 2001
Yanno, I seriously hope this is the right date. I'm so frazzled. So I saw that hottie down the street. Heather and Nesana said I should walk down to his house right now and ask him to join us in our excursion to the mall. I don't think so. Yes, let me just go say hi in my Nautica boxers and tank top. Yes. Very appealing. ::shakes head::
Anyways, so I'm off to the mall tomorrow. I have part of my Rome project done. I have the info on the Colusseum. All I need to do is nab the pictures and put it all together. ::shakes head:: so tired!!
And thanks again to Anna who signed my guestbook again. She rawks! And I'm glad you learned how to use chopsticks :) Now you can be cool! LoL.
Wel, no devastating thought today, except, watch out for the pedophiles. They're sick bastards. Truly! They are! Anyways, I will be off for tonight! Niters!

October 23, 2001
Hmm..today was a rather good day. Congrats to Nesana for being visitor 911, as in EMERGENCY. We're comin' up on 1,000. Wow...for being a pretty lame site, I'd have to say that's some pretty good traffic! Anyways, so...today, all I have to say is some guys look really really good, and the word organize is a BAD WORD. Um...oh yeh, and here's the devastating delerium of the day:
Has it ever happened, where you have something, something so special you would die for it, and wouldn't trade it for the world? Love it with all your heart, never wanna let it go, and you always fought when it fought to be free. Then, one day, you lose it, or it leaves you, forever gone, and you no longer fight, since losing it seems inevitable. You continue to want and want, but to push the feelings aside, knowing it will never happen again, and you try to forget it, telling yourself you have. But through a miracle, a sheer ray of hope from between the dark clouds, it returns. And by the time it does, you're not sure if you can handle having it again, handle losing it again. And when you've finally decided you want it back, it's gone. Forever. October 22, 2001
Another day in the neighborhood which turns out to be a pretty good day if I do say so my self *ahem*. The neighborhood is a beautiful place. Don't ask about the positive outlook. I'm a bit frazzled...or sum junk.
Anyways, first up on the agenda: Thanks to my dear buddy Jason who has signed my guestbook. He's such a great guy! Be sure to go visit his site at Punkboards.com! Go there and check out his boards for the punks! Rawk on! Go post, go have fun
Other than that, no much else has happened. I got another project to do for World History (on Rome this time), and me and Ashley are gunna do a website...me thinks...yes. We are. This is gunna be interesting..now let's just hope that my scripts will work on the computers in class. ::wants to kick the comps in class:: they wouldn't even show this scrolly box right...anyone else have that problem? Please tell me (Contact in the menu box). Other than that, I hope all is well with everyone. Yes yes. I'm done for tonight. Enough rambling. Bye! Oh wait, one more thing! I did take away all the other updates so far, but I'll put those up on another page incase anyone would like to reminisce. (spelling?) Anyways, check it at Back in the day... Hopefully that will work. No? E-mail me.

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