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Miscellaneous Orb Photos
Last Update: January 11, 2001
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These photos were taken at various places with the same camera. The  brightness and contrast of some photos were adjusted to enhance the orbs and some photos have been cropped. Faces of people have been blurred to protect the innocent.
One large orb is visible in the upper corner of the room. You don't want to know why these people are all wearing strange things on their heads.
There is a rare oblong orb in the upper left of this photo.
There are two orbs here: one above the band and another directly below it on the bottom of the woman's skirt.  
Here is an orb in the upper right.  It might like turkeys.
Even Snoopy isn't immune to orbs. What are the chances of only one orb appearing when taking a flash photo of a Snoopy covered in mirrors? 
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