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Marvelous Menagerie of Mailboxes

The Mailboxes! Oh how very nice!

A Day in the Life of a Mailbox!


Back to the Insanity! (But why would you want to go back?)

  Hello, this is Mrs. Knucklerson, I will be hosting this site! I would greet you, but I believe Majueen has already done that. She did mention the greetings weren't the seasonal kind, right? Excellent!

Now, have you ever REALLY thought about mailboxes? REALLY? how dare you lie to me! I know you thoughtlessly grab your letters and magazines and newspapers without ever thinking about that poor neglected box! I highly suggest you get to know your mailbox! Talk to it. Have a discussion! Invite your mailbox over for tea and light refreshments! What's that you're asking? why would anyone care a catfish about mailboxes? That's a very good question, which will be answered someday by a litle gremlin who appearing in a recurring dream which shall force you to get therapy!!!