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*~¤MeG's PaGe¤~*

Hey everyone, what's up? Well, I just TOTALLY re-did my whole page... hehe, I have wayyy too much time on my hands! :) Anyways, I hope it looks ok!

My boyfriend's (Brian) band Pledge just finished recording a CD & they're really good!! Go check out their webpage @

I have a toll-free number, I don't really check it often, but my # is 1-877-501-9782.... Leave me a msg if ya want!!! You can get one @ Grr... this doesn't work in Canada though...

Well gotta jet!!! Sign my guestbook or my Slambook hehe...and go to my contact moi page, to find out how to get a hold of me!!! Toodles!!!


Well the whole site has been updated & totally changed!

I changed the layout of my Pics Page... I've added some pics from both mine & Brian's semi-formal & from New Years Eve... so check em out!!!

I've also added a new games page. You can play games directly on the page, it's pretty cool!

Tina the Troubled Teen

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