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Loser Clubhouse Loser Clubhouse Loser Clubhouse

Welcome to the Loser Clubhouse! Above is Burro aka Limp Bizkit, he is our club mascot. My name is Kristen and I am the Supreme Dictator of this Loser Club.

New Loser News: Due to the arrival of our German friend, we losers actually had two outings. Pretty exciting I know. Sorry to those losers that were not invited, sort of. Fun trips to teeny romantic movies and loud rock concerts. See we get out, even if we complain the entire time.

I feel so happy that losers have begun visiting the site again! Thanks for coming guys and while you are here send in an application! If you are here, sad news, you too are a loser so why be a nameless loser with no club? :)

Fell free to utilize the links below, because if you are here we already know you are bored. Please enjoy, and if you are not a loser please leave our lowly presence.(Hint: If you're a true loser,you will be able to see the humor in this!)

to me to John to Vanessa

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| All About Kristen | The Space John Nested In And Now We Can't Make Him Leave |The German Section | Members | How to become a Memeber | Don't Guys Suck? | Girls-God's second mistake | The Scenic Loser Falls | The Loser Recovery | The species that is loser | Loser Story of the Week