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Some Pictures of our Fur, Fin & Feather Kids

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Rik-O-Shay, Welch Corgi She was 8 years old when she was given to us. Rikki had almost no hair due to poor nutrition. After 6 months with us & Real Food, she had so much hair it stuck out all over her like a puff-ball!
Mr. Jiggs ... so named after the comic strip. One of the smartest dogs I've ever met.
Bambi, Mini-Rex Rabit Feeding the Crow-Clan in the Winter time.
Koi, feeding frenzie Laddy-Star, Welch Corgi, 1998 Muffin, Manx Cat (no tail) Tykey, 2000 "Little Seal-Face"
... Pepper Sez: read some of the cute things that Pepper sez & duz..... Pepper, rain shower bird "Come any closer and I'll.... ...bite your thumbs!"
Pepper: "Give me the thumbs! Ya, yum, yum." "HI! Whacha doin'?" Time for Head Pets.
The "Cockatiel Band"
Pepper, preparing his nest for me. "Sure, I'll pose for a picture." Pepper, guarding his nest. The Watchful Eye!

"Scuse me, while I pre-flight my feathers." "Oiling feathers is the most important part."

"There! All done. See how Beautiful I am." "Big stretch. See my Rainbow Colored wings."

Pep emerges from his travel cage & looks around his new home. The Pinkers-Pepperrrrika observing the other birds. The Pinkers relaxes a bit.... Peppie, getting comfortable.
This is what he sees... The Bird Room. Birdies of every kind, mostly Parots & one Prairie Dog....>
Sharri and Pinkie-Pepperrrika saying good- -bye......
Pepper-Pinkie enjoying a sunny day outside in his new home. "I feel a big fluff coming on!"
Pepperrrika in his new home with Cindy. Cindy & Rodney run a Parrot Rescue in Everett. Pepper's always watchful for hawks whenever outside. So long, Peppie, enjoy your new home!!!
They tell me that... ...Peppie is happy... ...once more, because he is... ...singing Opera again!!



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