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WELCOME to LoreRainbow~

my Mystic DreamLand


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/ . \

* ............ _\|/_.................~*~%~*~%~*~%~*~
JOY & Illumination & Rainbow Laughter-Bubbles!


Let's all Dream a New Dream of

Peace on Earth!!!










moon phase info

^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^

We live in "Apple Land" of the Pacific North West. "We" includes: Lois (my Mom), Tykey (Pomeranian dog), Merlin (Manx kitten), RaPurrs--the Fireball 409 (Orange & White Tiger-Striped Kitten), Cleo ("Smoke" Cat) & the Cockatiel-Birds-Band with Star-Singers: Duke & JoBrill.


Since Everything in Life is Perfect in BEing what
It Is, having nothing to do with Good or Bad, Right
or Wrong, Acceptance or Rejection, I may as well
burst out Laughing!
..... >:-(.... (:-*..... :-)...... :-D

--- Long Chen Pa ---

"Laugh in the Face of Adversity. Don't laugh At
it, or With it. Laugh for the sheer Joy of Living!
And be surprised at how JoyFilled Laughter can Shift
the Energies." ~~ Dream Master ~

<>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><>
"Since I no longer think of reality as reality, what
reason would I have to think of dreams as dreams?"
~~~ Japanese Master and Poet, Saigyo

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Love Relaxes, Releases, & Reflects
Anything Unlike ItSelf.
^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^
^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^

Some other Webbys where I can be found.....



Sharri Lorraine's Blog


Starfire Tor's Official Webby




Nutri Sweet/Aspartame History

Nutri Sweet/Aspartame history and horrific side effects documentation
Many have never read the history of how the FDA tried to keep aspartame off the market, have the manufacturer indicted for fraud, the Task Force Report, how a group of pathologists were paid a half a million dollars not to comment, the congressional record, etc. Rather than read many government documents here are quotes taken from some of these documents to give you a picture of how a pharmaceutical company and politics and influenced pushed the marketing of a deadly chemical poison for human consumption. If you have a web site I would suggest you add this link to help the world understand how this happened. And be sure to link at least to some of the main anti-aspartame sites like This paper is taken from the Aspartame Toxicity Center, -- Simply click the URL's below.

New Research Links Nutrasweet to Leukemia and Lymphoma !!!

Splenda Toxicity
Splenda Toxicity Information Center

Don't be fooled by the hype & advertising!! They are mostly FICTION!!
FICTION: Splenda is natural sugar without calories.
FICTION: Splenda is safe to eat, even for children.
FICTION: Splenda has been thoroughly tested.
FICTION: Products made with Splenda do not need warning labels.
FICTION: Once eaten, Splenda simply passes through the body.
FICTION: The chlorine found in Splenda is similar to that found in other foods we eat.
FICTION: Consumers have every reason to believe what they see and hear in Splenda’s advertisements.


World Peace Experiment
Become a Catalyst for Peace
Join the World Peace Experiment

You are invited to participate in a worldwide experiment to create a peaceful planet.
Please follow the links ... and help us reach our goal of 80,000 people!

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This WebPage . . . . . . . by Sharri Lorraine~





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