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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Cristian's Hair!

This page is dedicated to Cristian of Rawlings 3 (in case you want to shake his hand) because of his fantastic hair. What can I say? What can we all say? Cristian has made his hair take on a character of its own while, of course, giving Cristian character himself.

So, without further ado, I'd like to show you some pictures of Cristian's hair. There are only three of them now, but I promise you (and Cristian promises you) that there will be more. On that note, I'd like to thank Jay for the pictures, and Cristian for letting me expose himself here ... I mean, share his hair with us.

Here's More Hair!!!
He's Blue!
Soccer anyone?
It's Eminem!

Well folks, that's all for now but there will be updates as soon as Jay gets more pics developed. You can click on the funny little star if you'd like to give me some suggestions. Oh yeah, I'm Katie by the way.

Send me stuff

Last updated April 4, 2001