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All about Kaleena: her family, friends, boyfriend (or lack there of), goals, and interests! From computers to education to her favorite novels and pastimes, this is all about Kaleena and everything she loves! So have a seat, sit back, and enjoy the ride, cuz here we go!

My friends are one of the biggest influences in my life, and they mean sooo much to me! I know most people don't like this, but I just gotta give shoutz/props to my pals...

Doll ~ You're kickass, girly! You n PJ need to get together soon! We could be sisters!
Ewwie ~ I LOVE YOU!!! Im so glad that you've come back into my life. Hug Andy, and give Lexie a kiss from her Aunt Leenie, and I'll come see her as soon as I can, and I'll bring lots of gifts!! Her Aunt Leenie is gonna spoil her rotton, hehe!
Kelsey ~ My best friend since first grade, we've been through it all together... Are you happy Im moving back???
Brynn ~ Why is it that we're both so hott and we have great, sexy guys as well?! It doesnt make any sense! *grin* Love you, Bwynnie!!
Jenny ~Thanks for being my friend and I hope you never forget our crazy times on the bus together, and at lunch! I hope Tyler realizes how great you are soon, so we can stop stalking him! I know next year is our last year together, but we'll make it worthwile! Dear Lord, please let Tyliper love Jennifer, AMEN!! *smile*
Rebecca ~We've only been friends for a short time, but you helped me a lot, too bad you're at a different school now, eventhough we don't talk much anymore, maybe our paths will cross one day in the future. Good luck with Tommy!
Sandy ~ I just have one word for you.. FINGER! I mean, how in the world did that come out?! LOL, you really should pay more attention! But its otay, cuz I still love yas, and ur friend (we both know which one) is a major hottie! ;o)
Krissy ~ Hey girly! I know we've never met, but I miss you now that I've moved! I mean, we're not in the same state anymore! *sniff* how tragic! BOTOKLMAO:o)
Jess ~ Hey Farm.. SOME PEOPLE! I SWEAR! *giggles* LYLAS!
Thera ~ Im glad we can be friends! Just wait til you get here.. we're gonna part-ay!!! I hope that we'll always be there for eachother, to remind the other one how nasty Steve is.. LOL
Jaymz ~ Thanks for helping me so much and being such a large part of my life, and thanks for answering all my questions, eventho most were stupid.. lol, I love you, sex masta!!
Brian ~ You's my bestest buddy *grin* lol! Never forget our crazy nights together, we had a blast... eventho we're old now, we can still have our fun sometimes! I love you!
Matt ~ Aren't you glad we've had english together for 2 years in a row now? :o) I hope you reach your goal of going to Holland.. and remember, DRUGS ARE BAD!!!
Jason (Hoe) ~ Your band is gonna make it SO big, I wanna be a groupie! What else could you ask for?! All the guys are hott, the singing's good, the music is good, and the lyrics rock... I hope you go far very soon! Don't forget the little people *wink*

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