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Thursday, 30 March 2006
Warner Creek Correctional Facility. CLOSE IT DOWN!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: No Prison Project

They never learn do they? Lakeview is in dire trouble with this dang prison! This should anger you. It angers me very much.
We know that the Mayor in Lakeview is pro-prison and pro corporate America. Shame on Lakeview. Sure glad I moved to Eugene, Oregon. No gun nuts here hewww.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 10:04 PM YST
Updated: Friday, 31 March 2006 2:43 PM YST
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Thursday, 26 May 2005
Grants Pass Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Grants Pass, Oregon

Don't bother trying to drive through this town. You will end up getting lost and confused. This is a horrible trap of a town that leaves the traveler frustrated.
This is an economically depressed town with a whole host of problems.
It is a corporate hellhole and developers can do anything they like.
There is no culture there.
This town is not worth checking out. I give Grants Pass an F.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:56 PM YDT
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Coos Bay Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Coos Bay, Oregon

All you can say is drunken sailors. This port town is over developed pit filled with ugly buildings.
There is nothing nice about this dirty town by the sea.
Avoid it like a bad disease. I give this town a straight up F for allowing such poor conditions to exist.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:52 PM YDT
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Reedsport Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Reedsport, Oregon

This ocean town seems attractive at first. But at a deeper look it is a racist town filled with redneck fishermen.
Reedsport uses a racist mascot named the Braves. I call
Reedsport sleezeport because it is a blachole devoid of any culture what so ever.
I give Reedsport an overall grade of F

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:49 PM YDT
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La Pine Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
La Pine, Oregon

I consider this backwater town a real pit. I visited La Pine back in 2003 right before the four of july and all those FLAGS! Looked like Nazi germany. All that flag waving hurrah for our side and love it or leave it.
Made me not care for this backwater hayseed town at all. Avoid this place.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:45 PM YDT
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Florence Oregon
Florence, Oregon

This town is nice to visit the beach or go to the Casino but do not live there. Why you ask? The High School cares more about sports then acedemics. Fundamentalist churches and lack of cutural events. Florence also in the 1990's experianced rapid developement that lead to out of control growth and all the corporate chain stores started moving in.
Florence gets an overall grede of D.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 3:14 PM YDT
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Bonanza Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Bonanza, Oregon

This racist town is causing trouble with Chiloquin, Oregon because Chiloquin is an Indian reservation town.
This backwater rightwing craphole is a pathetic little place of right wing wacks hell bent to stirr up trouble in the area.
Talk about no jobs, no future and no way out! This town
hits rock bottom. There was a murder at Stevenson Park near Klamath Falls over the issue of the Sucker fish. The idiot who did the killing was from Bonanza.
This town gets an F- !

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 2:55 PM YDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 May 2005 3:10 PM YDT
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Eugene Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Eugene,OregonThis so called liberal paradise is a snotty stuck up community of people who jack the rent up so that no one can afford living there.
Getting a job is pretty hard but not impossible. The roads are falling apart and the city is wasting all it's money on build turn abouts and speedbumps.
The trasit system is underfunded and they always are trying to cut back services for the customers who depend on it.
Eugene is also an urban hell. Crime, pollution and bums make up this depressing backwater.
I give Eugene a C for economy, a C for it's transit system a C for culture and overall general grade of C. This town and do much better!!!

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 2:48 PM YDT
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Burns Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Burns, Oregon

The cops in this town are very bad. This is a racist wasteland as barren as the desert it is in. There is the Burns piute tribe. The natives live in poverty while the government officals live like kings.
There are plenty of fundementalists to deal with. If you do not go to church you need not apply for a job here!
The ultra right wing has a choke hold in this dying town. I give Burns a general grade of F.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 2:42 PM YDT
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Klamath Falls Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Klamath Falls, Oregon

A desert wasteland that is devoid of anything constructive to do. This right wing dung pile is a pathetic excuse for a town.
The rare cutural events such as powwow do exist but the town outside of that is just as bland as the desert it is in. I give Klamath Falls a D for culture, F for economy and a D for over all grade.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 2:38 PM YDT
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