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Lakeview, Oregon
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S.V.D.P project
Springfield, Oregon
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Thursday, 26 May 2005
Medford Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Medford, Oregon

This town of strip malls and over developement makes you want to puke. The urban sprawl is way out of control.
Culturally this town really is a right wing hellhole. The few times I been through this town made me want to just throw up.
I give this town a general F for failing to live up to a high quality of life.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 2:34 PM YDT
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Springfield, Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Springfield, Oregon

This town is tweakerville. So many methheads! Tweakers lie, cheat and steal. They steal all your crap and blame someone else for what THEY did!
This town is a cultural wasteland of strip malls, ran down houses and crime. Avoid this pit if you want high quality of life.
I give Springfield an F for culture, F for economy, F for remoteness. This town sucks!

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 2:31 PM YDT
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Lakeview, Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Lakeview, Oregon

This dying desert town is a cultural wasteland. If you wear long hair and do not go to church you need not apply for a job here. There are 18 churches here! Talk about a theocracy!
This town is a redneck rancher town with not much else to do.
If you do not think like them you are considered and outsider. You had to either be born here or kiss enough butt in order to get a job and live a "normal" life.
Avoid this hellhole. I give Lakeview an F for culture, F for economy, A for remoteness.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 2:23 PM YDT
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Tuesday, 17 May 2005
Needing a meeting place for S.V.D.P project
Mood:  energetic
Topic: S.V.D.P project
S.V.D.P project
I wish to see people get together and organize a group to help promote Saint Vincent DePaul in locating into Lakeview.
I am thining of running a letter to the editer to the local newspaper on this issue. I see very little being done to get a reat second hand store here.
I might have to organize the effort if I see no change on this issue.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 10:24 PM YDT
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Mood:  sad
Topic: Politics
George Bush needs to go!
We have the worse regime ever installed in the whitehouse. The war in Iraq is a scam. So where is the weapons of mass distruction shrub been harping about for years?
The fatherland insecurity act makes us less free and the economy is in a depressionary decline.
Bush and his gang hate workers unions and he wants to gut SSI and privatize it.
Bushes ownership society is a joke. If you have no money then how in the hell can you own any property? We are treated even worse than wage slaves. Ownership perhaps only for the super wealthy.
I see the cost of property so sky high it just makes my blood boil.
America is a plutocracy. I voted. Shame on those who did not care and did not vote. We are stuck with a smirking chimp for at least three more miserable years while America heads right into the toilet.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 2:56 PM YDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 May 2005 10:12 PM YDT
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Sunday, 15 May 2005
Springfield, Oregon
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Springfield, Oregon
I just returned from Springfield helping my mom get ready to move. I used to live there for about 8 months.
I really like the social life a person can have there but I hate the big city rat race.
I am back here in Lakeview hating it. I wish I could get back with my lady Sharie and get the hell out of here.
The sooner I leave Lakeview the better. Springfields biggest drawback is the meth heads. They twik and kill their braincells on that dope.
I plan on moving somewhere in the hill near the Eugene Springfield area far enough away to be away from the influence yet not too far away.
I need to go to bed now. I am making too many errors online tonight.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 11:13 PM YDT
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Wednesday, 11 May 2005
Wonderful day
Mood:  happy
Topic: Emotions
I am very happy today because things are going every well. I am fixing to move out of Lakeview and return somewhere neear the Willamete valley.
Being engaged to a lady! Three big cheers!

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 3:38 PM YDT
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Tuesday, 10 May 2005
Left green dissent
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Politics
We heard it all before. Left wingers are "commies" and other such insults throw our way by the ultra religious
right of this country.
I deplore communism because the system under communism restricts religous expression. We even tolorate the far ultra right Christians in this country. In communist countries they would be locked up for their views.
I personally cannot stand bible thumpers. It is their personal choice though and we cannot force them to stop. We can however tell them to knock it off and to leave me alone. We don't have to take abuse by the righties either.
We cannot change them so let us deal with our own selves first. Change must come within. If we are willing to stand up to what we believe we must stop being soft and start speaking up.
If we do not speak up the far right will take all freedom away and install a plutacracy taking the rights away of those from other religions and those who have none.
If we plan to be a country that cares about unity, we must stop forcing god onto those who don't want god. We must preserve the seperation of church and state for a reason.
Politics and religion don't mix! Look at Iran, a total theocracy. Do we want America under a Christian theocracy? NO!
The far right has such a choke hold on politics in America it is not even funny. They are the minority. Most people are more middle of the roaders. How could the far right gain so much power? They use big corporate money and influence to gain power.
Money=power in America. If you don't have money you have very little if no political power. That sums it up. Communism, theocracy although on the extreme ends are bad ways to run things.
A plutacracy is another thing we need to be aware of. The multi-national corporations very much want to see America under an economic plutacracy ran by the super wealthy elite. They are cluse to sucess here.
As you can see you need a lot of money to run for persident.
We need some left minded dissent. Speak up. It is time we stop kidding ourselves. There are many threats to freedom. Political extremism on the far left or right is one such threat.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 3:39 PM YDT
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Sunday, 8 May 2005
Addicted to the web
Mood:  party time!
Topic: General
Yep I am addicted to the internet! I been online too long today. Must get off. I love all the things you learn on the web. I am doing online research on how to make money.
Been playing webgames too. What a party going on here.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:32 PM YDT
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Bored once more
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: General
Some ol' nothing here. Time to study up on web design again and brush up on those computer skills. I am up to something good as usual. The weather is lousy and there is no social activity here. So what better way to spend my time? Might as well be a webmaster!

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 3:13 PM YDT
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