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Saturday, 20 May 2006
Siuslaw county a dumb idea
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Stupid move Florence, Oregon!
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
The ignorant people living in bumpkinville Florence, Oregon are at it again! Lane county OWNS you Florence and you don't forget it. We will tax you fair and square. You deserve to be taxed out anyway.
The far right has a choke hold on Florence just as extreme as they do in Lakeview, Oregon.
The differnce here is that Eugene has a mission, influence Florence backwater hick town and give it a face lift. A good dose of liberal progressive activism here would be a great help!

Siuslaw county, a dumb idea from the start!

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 10:12 PM YDT
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Florence sucks!
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Florence is racist and bigoted!
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
I visited Florence today and discovered what a racist, bigoted town it really is and why I moved from there.
I visited the St Vincent Depaul store there and boy the cashier gave my brother the strangest look. Horrible customer service.
We drove around our old stomping ground and boy I tell you not much changed about this backwater town. I visited the North Jetty and loved it. We tried to visit the south Jetty and the jokers (Your Siuslaw county in action)now charge a fee just for you to go to the freakin beach! Made me so made.
We went to Mcdonalds and the service really was lousy.
Then we went to the Casino and we had a GREAT time. The people there are so friendly! The place was very FUN unlike the rest of Florence. We all know that Florence sucks!
I discovered that Florence is even worse than when I moved out. Seems like the neo nazis hang out there sturring up all their horse dung.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:38 PM YDT
Updated: Saturday, 20 May 2006 10:16 PM YDT
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Monday, 24 April 2006
The passing of Ramona Bell Jan-5-2006
Mood:  down
Topic: General
Ramona Bell passed away on Jan-5-2006 in her sleep. This tragic end to a beacon of light stunned us all and her passing has brough much sorrow in the Paranormal world. We here at Intothevortex are in a time of mourning and send our prayers out to all effected by these tragic turn of events.

Ramona Bell, Shine forever in your bright light
May the heavens dance and the world sing
May we forever be greatful for you ohh creator
For your loving hands we rest

Ohh creator of all, bless the living and the dead
Channel the light to all beings
Find the worlds I am searching for
In a long sleep I return home to our creator

Bless you all on your trek home to the spirit world.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 9:58 PM YDT
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Monday, 17 April 2006
Screw big oil!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: General
I have had it up to here paying for oil. So here comes my trusty bike and off I go. We all are getting screwed at the pump. It is time we ditch the oil companies once and for all.Screw big oil! Ride a bike!!

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:10 PM YDT
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Saturday, 15 April 2006
Private prisons. Criminal profit.
Mood:  blue
Topic: No Prison Project
All I can say is SHAME on the greedy folks who profit off placing people in prison!Private prisons, pure evil.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 12:02 PM YDT
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Friday, 7 April 2006
Bechtel indirectly involved with the construction of the prison in Lakeview, Oregon.
Mood:  surprised
Topic: No Prison Project
Ever wonder why the prison was rammed through even after the people of Lakeview, Oregon voted twice NOT to have the prison build? Well it is because Bechtel indirectly was involved with getting the prison built!

Construction of differnt things.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 9:35 PM YDT
Updated: Friday, 7 April 2006 9:36 PM YDT
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Thursday, 30 March 2006
Staying active in Lakeview politics
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Lakeview, Oregon
Ahh I am going to do something to bug people from Lakeview, Oregon. I am going to keep the media spotlight on the prison.
The far right wing had far too much attention in Lake county for far too long. Now it is time for us progressives to speak out.
For all you people who can't sand us "outsiders" get used to all those prisoner types running around breaking into things and causing trouble.
I was always treated like an outsider because I never went to their churches, was born and raised there or kissed the right kind of political tush.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 10:08 PM YST
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Warner Creek Correctional Facility. CLOSE IT DOWN!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: No Prison Project

They never learn do they? Lakeview is in dire trouble with this dang prison! This should anger you. It angers me very much.
We know that the Mayor in Lakeview is pro-prison and pro corporate America. Shame on Lakeview. Sure glad I moved to Eugene, Oregon. No gun nuts here hewww.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 10:04 PM YST
Updated: Friday, 31 March 2006 2:43 PM YST
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Thursday, 26 May 2005
Grants Pass Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Grants Pass, Oregon

Don't bother trying to drive through this town. You will end up getting lost and confused. This is a horrible trap of a town that leaves the traveler frustrated.
This is an economically depressed town with a whole host of problems.
It is a corporate hellhole and developers can do anything they like.
There is no culture there.
This town is not worth checking out. I give Grants Pass an F.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:56 PM YDT
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Coos Bay Oregon
Topic: Towns in Oregon I hate
Coos Bay, Oregon

All you can say is drunken sailors. This port town is over developed pit filled with ugly buildings.
There is nothing nice about this dirty town by the sea.
Avoid it like a bad disease. I give this town a straight up F for allowing such poor conditions to exist.

Posted by weird/intothevortex at 8:52 PM YDT
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