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Powwows I have attended

Welcome to my powwow pages, the gift of dance will bring all peoples together to share and to celebrate. A powwow is a gift for the people so we may heal the many tribes and nations throughout the world. Here is a summery of the powwows that I have danced in so far;

1. Klamath tribes restoration, Chiloquin, Oregon Aug 23-24 2002. This powwow was a great event for dancing. I thought sadly there was some bad medicine going around but overall most people there where kind and did the best they could to make the powwow work. I enjoyed the event very much dispite the problem spots. I suggest this powwow for those who seek to dance only because this will help you gain the peoples respect and they will share more with you when you dance. For those who are new to powwows this event is small and it provides a good starting place for those who want to start on the powwow hwy. Here is the tribal website for those who are seeking more on the klamath tribes;

Klamath tribal website

2. Pi-Um-Sha treaty day powwow, Warm Springs, Oregon. June 27-28 2003. This powwow was awesome. I did many inter tribal dances. I even did my first competition powwow. The wannabe contest hehe. It was funny and I made the finals and at least won some small prizes. I won two bumper stickers, a Rez Ball Warrior T-shirt and three free dinners. I met a few of my online buddies too. Pi-Um-Sha is great and I will not forget this powwow for the rest of my life. A lot of memories and fun had by all!

Confederated tribes of Warm Springs

3.Honoring all veterans non-competitive traditional powwow, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Saturday Nov 8 2003 only day I attended, there is a second day on sunday of the powwow. This was my first traditional powwow I ever attended. At first I was not sure what to expect. But as the day went on I really got into it. There was a salmon feed too and they gave me a bag of fresh salmon! Man it was good. I sure enjoyed my first traditional powwow very much! I will be back next year for sure!

E-mail Intothevortex your powwow stories, native issues or any powwow information you want to send to me.

Powwwows I have attended so far