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Instruction Page


Welcome to A Few Simple Hmong Words page and this is the Instruction page of how to use this you will learn how to navigate this page, use the radio buttons on the simple test, as well as what each rollover graphic does as well as some other things...Here is how you navigate this page...on the bottom of this there will be a image rollover arrow pointing to the right...this button will take you to the Lessons page where you will read and learn the few simple hmong words and phrases...from there, there will be 2 links on the top which will bring you back here or to the Introduction Page...When you are finish reading the lessons there will be an image with the words "Take the simple Hmong test" in it...when you click on it, it will take you to the 1st question of the test...from there you will be asked of what you've read and learned from the lessons will have 4 choices to pick from for your answer...Each answer is in a Radio Button and when you click on it, it will pop up a message or take you to a Encouragement Page...if you answer wrong a pop-up message will pop up and tell you that you have chosen the incorrect ok and retry the question until you get it right...once you get the right will bring you to an award or encouragement page...from there you will see a few words and then another image rollover arrow pointing to the right...this will take you to the next question...Once you've completed the simple test...Which is at question 15...there will be a Link Image Rollover of a house which will take you back to the Lessons Page...Thank You For Dropping By...GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!!!



Author & Publisher: Francois Vang