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Weirdy Video Bits

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he is the enemy of bluntness!Dairy Sharpenersan! Episode 1
YouTube Real Media 139 KB
He is the Enemy of Bluntness! Check it out right here, a short film of Atom Plum's favourite cartoon from Japan!

it's ladies' night, and he's a ladies' man. Optimus Primal, Ladies' Man!
YouTube Real Media 230 KB
The guru mentor leader of the Maximals, Optimus Primal, is also a bit of a ladies' man! Watch as the old bossmonkey struts his stuff, and hangs with an adoring fan. What was I thinking when I made this? Not a whole lot actually. It was originally meant to be a mere 2 still photos, but just kept going...

the big boys duke it out Godzilla versus Devastator
YouTube Real Media 1.58 MB
Two titans of terror lock horns in a long awaited (well, by me anyway) duel of the century! Why are they fighting? No reason, they just felt like a bit of a scuffle...

The Prince of All Saiyans in Robotropolis! Mr Vegeta goes to Robot Town!
YouTube Real Media 2.23mb
One day Mr Vegeta felt like an adventure, so he went to robot town. He met some robots there, and said hello to them in his own very special way...
This is pure crap from start to finish, but some people seem to find it amusing, maybe you will too...

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