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::Bio Page::


WARNING: This biography is only supplemental until I gather the wits to make a more substantial one. After all, you 'can never be too lazy', right? *I hear a bunch of men with frosty beer mugs concur in the background* Actually, I'm not lazy at all (have you checked my gun-toting, gravity-defying, crime-fighting record?), and this is probably going to be the best biography I can conjure (brace for highfalutin expression): In few words I must summarize what is important to know about me. Do I recognize importance? Not the same way most do. So let's leave it at this.*I, me, my and I'm were used 8 times total.


YO PIMPS AND HOS!! Juuuust kiiidding!! This is little miss becca, also known as Pekka, also known as The Short One. Guys think Im cute though .. .hahahahaha!!!!!! Im in Prime .... some nameless adults think I shouldnt be .... but I HAVE FAITH IN MYSELF PEEPS!!! I CAN DO THIS!!! Even though Im probably going to fail theory!! But OH WELL!! Anywayz, I love my friends in da choir, especially The Fearsome Threesome, my best homies Sofie and Thug Rapster Ronnie D .... were in this 2gether chicas, dont desert me!!! (waaaaaaaah) anywayz, I am the one who always says, you guys are so weird!! .... but I love everybody cuz we rock!! I love the power puff girls, being low maintenance, and SLEEPING .... and I am a bouncy chica who NEVER GIVES UP!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!


Hey there! my name is Christina Barlow and I was a member from S.G.C. for 6 months. I had to quit for various reasons but I just want everyone to know I love them to death from Cantamus!! But anyways Im gonna be 13 years old this October 21st. But I miss my girls from S.G.C. and I just want you to know I love you all!

(¨¨`·.¸ `·.¸ »-((¨`v´¨))-»¸.·´ ¸.·´¨¨)

`·.¸ `·.¸_) `v´ (_¸.·´ ¸.·´

»|«·* Love always Christina *·»|«


Howdy all! No, I'm not southern, (well I was born in Texas, but let's not get into that) I just like saying howdy. Well, I'm not really an official member of da Choir now...*sniffles*, but I'll be a blue nosed gopher before I let any of you all forget me so HA! ^_^ Yes, that's right, for the rest of your miserable little lives, I will be tracking you down and begging you to sing with me! ^_^ Erm...ya...anyway...fer those of you who were simply surfing' the 'net, saw this page and said to yourselves " nice! A choir full of little girls that I can stalk," My name is Elizabeth. Ha! There! That's all you're gettin' 'cause my mommy said not to talk to strangers! NYA! >:p *Thbbt!* Now for the rest of you normal persons, as I said, my name is Elizabeth. I enjoy drawing, skating, goofing off with my friends (especially Lichelle and my buddies from da choir), hanging out wiv Peter and his crew, and generally making a complete idiot of myself in front of the clueless masses. (See "Foofoo soda" on the Inside Joke page.) Any-who, my three life goals at the moment are to: 1) Get my art up on this site, 2) find that fine balance between homework and social life, 3) Invent a cinema hot-dog that actually tastes good! (Yes, there is hope for the taste-budless masses!) Love you all! (Yes, even that poor flying pickle.)



I am an insane girl from da choir. I'll gove you some reasons if you'd like. I make insane jokes, i randomly sing songs, i make up insane songs, i think i'm insane. I have pretty high self esteem, lest someone would bulldoze it. I wish i were more like Angela with her cool ideas and her gymnastics and her drawing skills.... Oi Glaven! yessssss.... very well.... i like anime and drawing and....erm..... uh..... OH YEAH! OTHER THINGS. MW HA HA H HA HA H HA HAH HA HA. I deduce from this bio that I'M the greatest *annoying nasel voice* *Sings little song and does a weird little victory dance* *old lady voice* would ya like a pickle?


I guess i owe a bio of myself, being a holy citizen of da choir. So umm, lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. Mi nombre es Veronica, but i gots lots o' nicknames like - Thug rapster ronnie D and Ronnie and umm, i guess i don't got lots o nicknames coz i can't think of no others. Ok, next, i like: singing, RoCK MUZaK rock on yeah, eating, oh yes eating lots and lots especially mexi food, drawing and runnin. I go to Villa Academy the worst school and i hate it so this is a warning to y'all, don't ever go there. umm, lets see, things that piss me off are: when a banana won't peel, when people step on stuff that ya put on the ground, when people refuse to admit there wrong, conformists! and smiley faces. Umm, my fave movie is Peewee Herman's Big Adventure. Ho hum. So i guess thats all you want to know, or i should say, i want you to

know. So, uh, yea.


Hey Yo! Wassup? Okay, this is Sarra AKA Homie Twee. I am 14 years old and am in Prime obviously. yay. I am verrrry wierd and like making monkey noises. eee eee!! I think I'm known as the "Paranoid One Who Likes to Talk about Getting Stoned but Would NEVER Do Such a Thing" in the group. I don't think I should've said that. oh well. Okaaaay....I really like it when people make fun of me in a NICE way, if that is at all possible. (make fun of me! make fun of me!) hehe. I like my life, and want to live till 96. Okay, I guess that's it. Cya! Email me. okay bye.



New bio time. YO! I am known to some as Homie P, A.D.D. Girl, Fie (fee), Ofie (please...don't call me that), Myrtle, and DA MARSHMALLOW PEEP! Current obsessions include: Bishonen, gundam wing, more bishonen, yaoi, pickles, my linkin park cd, and a special someone who we shall call...uh...butan. The fatty sausage. I'd like to bed wrestle with that boah... I share a brain, bladder, flirting style and probably many other things with Parv. In fact, my own parents have mistaken her for me. I have monkey pjs and I fall off of beds. I've been told that I have a pentagonal nose. I am begininng to agree. *nerdy voice* You are courtally *snort* invited to my birthday party *nerdy laugh* My pocket protetctor is in mint condition... Before I leave, I have some valuable advice: Don't do scissors and don't run with drugs! Thank you and goodnight... *promptly falls off stage*

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