Nicole's fucked up Reality

All right, this is my disclaimer. I'm tired of all the comments asking why I don't kill myself if I'm so depressed. I don't want to. I do have certain things to live for, so fuck the hell off. I've also gotten comments that this page is nothing but "adolescent bullshit poser crap" and I don't give a damn. I'm 16 damn years old, I have the right to be how I am. Please tell me how many people you know that are perfect and I might let you live. Also, I know this page is just like any other page, has the same set up or whatnot, but I don't care. This page is expressing MY opinions, MY feelings and whatever else I want to put on here. If you wanna call me a bitch for what I feel and my opinions, then go to hell. To each his own, and that's how it always will be. Leave my opinions alone, quit telling me to kill myself, quit telling me that I'm saying I'm depressed to get attention because I'm not, and just look around. Yes, I like being myself, but I have certain reasons to be depressed, so leave that alone. Besides, you have no idea who the hell I am or what I'm really like. What is on this page is only what I want other people to see. Get over yourselves.

I don't know who you are, or how you got here, but click on the picture below to enter my site. Inside, you will find strong opinions, ignorance and shit you may not like. I express open-mindedness, brutal honesty and reality. Enter at your own risk...

Or click on this pic to get the hell out of here and go somewhere you belong.