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Free Spirit Productions is now directly distributing the remarkable energized water from Turkey called

"Perfect Planet Water"
(also called Sufi Water, Super-Ionized Water, Meditation water or the Mother's Water)

This "living" water is mega-vitalized and is the same as that spoken of by Drunvalo Melchizadek and others who have witnessed the amazing results of the pollution clearing and healing capabilities that this revolutionary product represents.

From authorized distributors of Perfect Science--the company of Mr. Ayhan Duyuk, the Turkish man who recently
introduced this water to the West--we have obtained a quantity of the concentrate which makes a
gallon of this Super Ionized Waterfor internal consumption.

Although we make no claims, I have personally used it since early July 1999 and have felt clearer,
more open in the heart, and energized without feeling spacey.  Others have claimed some gentle detoxifying effects which is understandable given the high frequency this product emits.

For more information check out the articles and news on the Transformacomm site at

We also are exploring/distributing other "charged water" products such as Intrasound, Harmony H2O, Clustered
Water, Micro-Hydrins, HydroxygenPlus,Lightwave Living Waterand Aaron Rosewater's discs
for a documentary now in research and development.

Send check or money order to:
Free Spirit Productions
11720 La Maida St.
Valley Village, CA 91607
Include your phone number and email address.

Super Ionized Water 3oz. bottle  (1-3 bottles) $44.00 ea. $33.00 ea. add $ 4.00 shipping in US
Super Ionized Water 3oz. bottle  (4-10 bottles) $40.00 ea. $30.00 ea. add $ 6.00 shipping
Intrasound Powder 3oz. $99.00 ea. add $ 2.00 shipping
Intrasound Gel  1/2 oz. $20.00 ea. add $ 2.00 shipping
Harmony H2O (makes 4 gallons) $50.00 ea. add $3.00 shipping
Send us an email if you have questions or desire to become a distributor.
Also check out these pages for info on other amazing new products:
Intrasound - TriStar Online
Cellcore - home of clustered water,nanocluster,microcluster,resonat,colloidal,distilled,imprinting
Our Pristine Planet-dolphins,clustered water,environmental care,photon
 Global Health Trax Life support products...Hydroxygen Plus