Part Eight

This time, I’m sitting by a big reflection pool with soft rose petals floating on the surface of the water and huge willows all around. When I look up, I see the tops of the trees crowned with soft glittering clouds. These soften the sunlight, adding an even more dreamlike quality to the atmosphere. I look down at myself and see with a shiver that I’m wearing the same silky lavender dress that I was wearing in the last dream.

I look up, sensing someone watching me, my life outside of the dream fading into nothingness. I dismiss the feeling as nothing important.

I look back to the pool and watch the petals gently float as I wait for…for… Who am I waiting for? What am I waiting for? I don’t know. With such beauty and peace surrounding me, it doesn’t seem to matter much.

I look up to see the dark haired stranger walking towards me. At first, I feel a surge of anger, but that’s replaced by the sense of peaceful obliviation that seems to always prevale. I smile up at him as he stops before me. He returns my smile with a cold stare.

“You led someone here,” he comments, eyes all but sparkling with anger.

"I…I did?” I respond in a small voice, surprised at how meek and frightened I am.

“Him,” he replies, waving a hand. Behind me, I hear a pair of feet hit the ground.

I stand in surprise and turn to see who the newcomer is. Professor Xavier stands there wearing clothing and standing in a stance that reminds me strongly of Indiana Jones. In  stark contrast to the dreamlike fantasy land I was in before, I realize with a shock of enlightenment that we’re standing in a dark, fowl smelling environment with no kind of vegitation growing in the black, dry soil.

I finally know who I am and why I’m here.

I turn to the dark haired man to find him gone, replaced with empty desolation. I turn back to the professor.

“Where are we?”

“We’re in his mind.”

“What?! H…how?”

“He took us here when he descovered me in your mind.”

I open my mouth to ask a question, but am interupted by a deep rumbling and violent shaking. As one, the professor and I turn around. The ground is falling away, leaving a deadly void in its wake.

We turn and take off in a desprate run, unnerved by the insainly evil laughter that overshadows the rumbling.

 An impossibly large distance away, there’s a complex of buildings that, for no rational reason, is safe.

Just as the last of the ground is crumbling away beneath us, we leap with all of our strength, needing to reach our salvation. For a precious few eternal seconds, we think we’re going to make it.

Suddenly, we feel ourselves starting to plunge into the void beneith us.

I’m not gonna let this loser win.

I grab the professor by the arms and concentrate on making it to the other side, trying to use my mind to beat the monster’s. A war of the wills.

With a burst of agony and a shower of crimson rain, a pair of wings thrust out of my back. I scream with pain and the burn of exertion as I pump my new wings and hold onto the professor for dear life. I feel a powerful lift helping me along. I realize that the professor is adding in his two cents.

At long last, we stumble onto firm ground. I fall to one knee and lean forward onto the upraised one, panting.

“Damn…professor…I thought…we were just…in the mind…” I gasp out.

“Sometimes the mental world is just as real as the physical.”

I nod and look up as a derisive smirk sounds in front of us. There stands our tormentor.

“You’ve made it this far. Now the terms are more extreme. Before, my little butterfly, I would have mearly taken your power and freedom, but you would have lived…” the young man starts.

“Now we kill you or we die, right?” Charles finishes.

The stranger, now familiar, purses his lips and nods.


Next thing I know, the professor and I are in a dimly lit hallway, holding two huge crossbows and dressed in skintight leather.

Damn…so this is what it’s like to be in a video game…

“I don’t have any powers,” the Professor dispationatly observes.

Blinking, I try manafesting a stone from the other side of the room. It ain’t happening.

"Me neither…I guess that dude doesn’t either, then,” I respond, looking around.

 My eyes widen as an arrow just narrowly misses both the professor and me. Reflexivly, I raise my crossbow and shoot at the fleeing figure, as does the professor.

We take off after him, running haphazardly down the hallway. We burst into a large, open room and look around cautously.

Besides the beeping of machinery, there’s virtually no sound. We both look around, wondering where the stranger got off to.

 A figure seems to leap out of nowhere and knocks the Professor down.

“Let us even the odds, my lovely,” the figure comments.

“DON’T KILL HIM!” I screach as he raises his fist to strike the stunned Professor.

Part Seven
Part Nine
Mind Index