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What is a fairy?

The dictionary defines a fairy as a tiny imaginary being in human form, supposed to have magical powers. Fairy, also Fae, Faerie, or Faery is considered a mythical being of folklore usually having magical powers and residing on Earth in sometimes intimate relationships with humans. Fairies can appear as dwarf beings, with distinctive green hair and clothes. These typically live underground or among stone structures. Others resemble tiny stunning women dressed in translucent white clothing and intercede in human lives for the good of the persons. Fairies are usually depicted as beautiful enchanting little people resembling humans, with features slightly longer. Some fairies appear as children or full grown women and men as they desire. Fairies have no soul, but some are immortal if not killed. Fairies and humans may love each other, but only with certain limitations. Some female fairies are a mortal danger to human lovers.

Flower Fae
Fae’s Favorite Plants hawthorn trees, foxglove, and groundsel <
Buttercup This flowers' faeries help to bring compassion to humans. They bring healing energy and understanding. Use this flower to rediscover yourself. <
Carnation ~ These faeries bring deep love. They help to strengthen the aura, and renew the love of life.
Mums ~ They help to strengthen the life force. They will help you to express yourself more lovingly.
Daffodil ~ This flower faerie is good for inner beauty. Let it help you with meditation and clarity of thought.
Daisy ~ This is the best flower to use to connect to the Faeries. You will always find a bunch of them around daisies. The daisy will help you to awaken and use your creativity and your inner strength.
Gardenia ~ These bring feelings of peace and protection. These flower faeries are very protective of children, so plant Gardenias in places where children play ,so the fae will watch over them.
Honeysuckle ~ Will help to stimulate dreams and your psychic energy. These Fae will teach you how to develop your "charms" to draw others to you.
Hyacinth ~ These help to restore belief. They will give you energy to overcome grief and awaken greater gentleness.
Marigold ~ These flower faeries know the magic of thunderstorms. They will teach you the power of words and the mysteries of love.
Roses Roses are very special to the Fae sisters the Angels. Roses give you a greater sense of love and they hold the secrets of time. White roses ~ help to develop spiritual purity Red roses ~ Are good for love and fertility Pink Roses ~ are for new life and a symbol of a new beginning Yellow roses ~ these Fae help you to express the truth
Lavender ~ Where there is lavender there is great faerie activity. These faeries bring healing, protection and help to overcome emotional blocks.
Violet ~ The violet is the home of the Fae Queen. Pick the first violet of spring to invite good luck, and ask the Fae for help in making your wish come true within the year. <
Plants Fae Don’t Like St.-John’s-wort and yarrow

Fae Royalty Aibell' ~ her name means "most beautiful" She was an Irish faerie queen, who played a magical harp. Humans could not hear this harp or they would die. Her home is a large rock in Killaloe called 'DalgCais'
'Bri'~ was a faerie queen of "Tuatha De Danann"
'Cred' ~ was from Dana's Mountains. She said that she would not sleep until the most magnificent poem was written about her secret home, which of course no one could see. A man named Coll finally wrote the poem and won her love.
'Fand' ~ was a faerie once married to the sea god 'Manann'
'Fedelma' ~ had yellow hair that went past her knees, and she wore a golden dress. She prophesized Queen Maeve's victory at Ulster.
'Grian' ~ was from County Tipperary. Her name means "sunny".She is said to live under "Pallas Green Hill" in Ireland.
'Liban' ~ Her name means "beautiful woman" She guarded Ireland's sacred wells. She is able to shapeshift into a salmon, and her faithful faerie dog becomes an otter and they swim the sea together.
The history of the fay/fey/fae folk is long and

They go by any number of different names, and I think 
it's because so many have been found in the Celtic 
lands.  Not only seen, and taken note of, but 
adopted/adapted into the life and culture of the area 
in which they reside.  That kind of pride can lead to 
all sorts of stories and recollections, and I Believe 
that that is the reason for so many different names!!
  At least there sure are a lot of Large books full of 
them.  They have a code of morality all their own.

Generally it is believed that fairies can present 
themselves to human sight if they so desire, but 
stories have come down to us of fairies being caught 
unawares...One of the most common and retold methods 
is with the use of an ointment made of four-leaved 
clovers, known as fairy ointment.  This disperses 
the "glamour" fairies cast over humans making fairy 
disguises invisible.  This ointment's effects can me 
nullified by fairy breath or the more vindictive 
blinding of the seeing eye.   There are those who 
claim to be able to see fairies without fairy 
permission or ointments.  Highlanders know them as 
people with "second sight", or the "sighted" in 

Just what is it that they see???

Feriers, or ferishers, is a local name for a type of 
fairy in the county of suffolk, England.  They have 
been described at least once in detail: they have 
long  sandy colored hair (as well as having sandy 
skin) and are sometimes dressed in green coats with 
golden belts and yellow satin shoes.  Stylish, no? 

The Feriers enter human homes through the cracks in 
the floorboards and will bring in firewood and gifts 
of money for those humans who are tidy and clean.  (I 
think I heard some of this from my mom a long time 
ago?)    But if the recipient of all this good fortune 
dares to disclose the secret, the Feriers will leave, 
and leave behind all kinds of misfortune.  

Unfortunately, like all fairies, they have a liking 
for human infants, and will leave a changeling in its 
place if they can.

A story is told, from about 1840, about a woman who 
caught the Feriers in the moonlight, making off with 
her babe.  Once discovered, they dropped the wee one 
and fled through the floor boards.  After that she
 made certain she pinned the baby to the bed, keeping 
the little girl between her and her husband.

Another tale of the feriers is in Hollingworth's 
History of Suffolk, tells of a group of them being 
spotted by a wood pile, dancing, singing and playing 
music.  They were very small, quite merry, but as soon 
as they knew they were spotted, they were gone.  In 
the houses they frequented, human footsteps would 
raise sparks, proving they had been there.

One more: a story of a lady who found a changeling, 
but instead of her being nasty and mean in trying to 
recover her lost child, she was so very kind that they 
not only returned her baby, but the Feriers were known
 to leave a piece of silver in her pocket every 

Themselves.  A euphemistic name for any and all 
fairies, as it is bad luck to them for anyone to know 
their real names.

Fati is the name in Albania for spirits of destiny.  
(The Fates)  Isn't that a great turn of phrase?   They 
are also called Miren.  They are female, and when seen 
are riding through the air behind the wings of 
butterflies.  They tend to show up near new babies and 
determine the fate of the child at that time.  Wonder 
if they say much??

The Glaistig is a member of the fuaths in the folklore
 of Scotland's Highlands.  She is (female) a shape 
shifter who likes the form of a goat, or half goat, 
half woman.  go figure

She can be a helpful spirit on a farm, helping with 
chores both in and out of the home and barn.  She can
 actually protect babies from being kidnapped, 
obviously wanting them for herself.  But she has also
 been known to entrap men by the water, begging and 
crying for help in crossing a difficult area, and then
 drowns them!

One story in particular tells of a smith who trapped a
 Glaistig, and after receiving his wishes of cattle 
and a home, seared off her hand of farewell.  The 
flora in the area of this event (Lochaber, Inverness)
 is said to be stained red to this day.Poor wee thing.

Aiken Drum, recall the song?  This is the name of one 
particular brownie in Blednoch, Galloway,Scotland. 
  He wore only a kilt made of green rushes.  He would
 finish up all undone tasks left by humans, but when 
he found new clothes left for him, he disappeared.

Ainsel is the name of a tiny little fairy spirit or 
fairy child in England.  She is the subject of an 
object lesson to be found in almost all cultures. Now,
 the story...

The Green Knight is a fairy knight, associated with 
King Arthur's court and the Knights of the Round 
Table, whose skin, clothes, armor and weapons are, 
guess what color?   The Green Knight is immortal, and 
even if he loses his head, he carries it with him 
during battle.   Not a bad story goes with this.

The Green Lady is a Scottish spirit, a supernatural of 
the Gruagach tupe that lived in Skipness Castle by 
Loch (Lake) Fyne.  She is said to have very long hair, 
the only description I can find, and is known to cause confusion among the enemies of the owners.   (Not a bad toast as I see it. "To the confusion of our enemies"."

Now, the Green Man is a woodland spirit whose 
otherwise known as the Wild Man of the Woods.  He may be mean, tricky, unpredictable, or helpful.  In folk 
legends, he has been called Robin Hood and the Green 
Knight, Jack-in-the-Green, and the Guardian.  As a 
very potent symbol of fertility, he is usually 
recalled to play a very important, if not the central, role on May Day.

Lastly, the Green Women, plural, of the Highlands of Scotland, are particularly malicious demons appearing in the evenings, decked out in gorgeous array.  Yep, there's a story. 

Shoopiltie is a name given to a mean hearted water spirit of the Shetland Islands.  It usually appears as a little prancing pony near the water, hoping to devour its prey by enticing someone to sit on its back, and then running into the water...death by drowning.

Hogboy, or Hogboon, is a tiny little grey-haired man living in or near the ancient burial mounds of the Orkney Islands.  It is his job to help with the chores and mend household tools.  In return, he merely asks for milk and ale to ease the pain of living as a lonely soul.   Woe be to the one who forgets the thank you gifts!!!

Brownies! (Did you get a chance to watch the movie "Willow"?  I love those brownies!)    Now there are lots of derivative spellings, and I don't see the need to go into them.  Look 'em up! 

This little guy is very small, brown in skin and clothes, generally described as having shaggy hair, and he likes it that way.  He usually attaches himself to a person or household, and that family is quite proud of having been adopted.  OK...a story for this little one, too.   Brownies are loyal to their families, and appreciate the little "gifts" that are left for him to find.  But never, ever, does a brownie want anything that will tie him down...

Mab, Queen of the fairies, recorded by Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet, was midwife to the fairies, gave birth to dreams, and rode in a coach drawn by insects.  Ben Johnson described her as an elfe:

"This is MAB, the mistris-Faerie,  That doth nightly rob the dayrie;   And can hurt, or helpe the cherning,  (As shee please) without discerning...   Shall we strip the skipping jester?    This is shee, that empties cradles,   Takes out children, puts in ladels:  Traynes forth mid-wives in their slumber,   With a sive the holes to number.   And then leads them, from her borroughs,    Home through ponds, and water furrowes."

Knockers, or Buccas in Cornish for goblin, are the Cornish mine spirits, friendly to tin miners for they knock so as to be heard by the miners where there is a large lode to be found.  Generally they were heard at night, long after work was halted for the day.  A few stories.

Elves.  Hmm, here's a subject that can go on forever, but they are certainly wee ones.  There are so many of them, and it's hard to determine where "fairy" leaves off and "elf" starts.  Do you suppose that they become ill?   Now, not many agree on size.  When the research is finished, I'll share here.  But it's not really ready yet.  There's so much to learn!!

Grig, or dwarf according to some dictionaries. "As merry as a grig" relates to fairies.They are small happy fairies dressed in green with red stocking caps.

Goblins. A general name for evil and malicious spirits, almost always thought of as being grotesque in appearance.

Tuatha de Danann [tootha day danan].  These were/are the followers of the Goddess Dana, said to be the race of people who inhabited Ireland after conquering the firbolgs, and were run to ground by the Milesians.  Being forced to take refuge under the grassy hills or in lands beneath the waters gave rise to the stories of their appearance under mounds of dirt, in wells, caves, etc.   They were great masters of magic, and became a fairy people.  They've been referered to as Cave Fairies by Lady Wilde in her book, Ancient Legends of Ireland.  Yeats also wrote of them in his Irish Fairy and Folk Tales.  I know there are links to other websites that go deeper into this, and when I find them, you'll find the link here.

Queen of Elfland.  This is the lady who met and fell in love with Thomas the Rhymer, or True Thomas, and decided to lure him to elfland for seven years.   At the end of that time, the teind, or tithe to the Devil, was due, and instead of letting Thomas fall victim, she let him go back to the mortal world, with the promise that he would never be able to lie... 

Leprechauns, those nearest and dearest to an Irishman/woman's heart!  Frisky, pesky, tricky, mischievous and loveable...dressed all in green, or with a red cap, small, and originally thought to be the fairy shoemakers who stay round pure springs.  The tapping sound is what usually gives them away.   The famous story, and others, all combine for Ireland's pet troublemaker.  Some have seen him wearing a red jacket with silver buttons, silver buckles on his shoes and brown breeches.    IUBDAN is the name of the truth-telling and noble king of the Lupracan in the folklore of Ireland.  In America...

Boggart   A spirit or goblin in North Country English folklore, known also as Bag, BOggard, or Buggard.  Thought as being anything from a demon to a brownie, they almost never materialize, so few have been seen and described.  They delight in scaring the wits out of people, tugging tablecloths and tripping people, making loud rapping and tapping noises, especially when upset.

Other Fae Info
To enter the Sifra,
you must circle around the secret tree, nine times, at midnight,
when the moon is full !
~ ~ ~ 
If you are clever enough to enter
the faeries' home, you will see 
beautiful palaces made of golden 
pathways and walls of pearls and diamonds.

But you must never tell another
human what you have seen here.

Have you ever had a faerie encounter?
~ Do you ever see something move out of the corner of your eye when nothing is there?
~ Do small things disappear, or have they been unexplainably moved?
~ Do you ever suddenly smell flowers or the out doors when neither are near?
~ Do you ever suddenly get chills or goose bumps for no reason?
If any of these have happened to you, then you have had a faerie encounter !

Many years ago, humans use to sing, pray and hold feasts
to honor Mother Nature and her children - 'The Fae'
But as civilization grew, we lost touch with nature, 
and with the Fae. But they are still there.
By the woods and the streams and gardens, hiding and waiting.
Waiting for the right person to come along and believe again. 
If you believe and let the Fae into your life,
you will be letting happiness and fun into your life.

And what is wrong with a little fun ? Just be careful, some of the Fae can be very naughty, and they could get you into some trouble.

How can you bring the Fae into your life??
Spend time in nature, walk thru the park
on the weekends, or just sit in your yard
for a bit, a fae may follow you home.
If you can't get outdoors, buy fresh
flowers or plant a small windowbox
garden and dedicate it to the fae !!
Play music, and sing, laugh alot and talk to yourself.
(you never know who may be listening)

The Fae like to be honored and admired for their beauty
(although they are not vain)

The Fae do not like when people lie or tell secrets 
(especially secrets concerning them) 

The Fae do not like messy houses
and are prone to torment people who are
messy or unorganized, by secretly making
things just a little more messy and

Fridays are special days for the Fae and they are usually seen on this day, making mischief.