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Merry Meet, Merry Part until we Merry Meet again!

I would like to welcome you all to my web site... where I hope I will be able to enlighten you and maybe even teach you a little something that you didn't know before.

I have recently changed the look of my web site... I hope you all like it! If any links don't work, or you just don't like it, email me to let me know, I'd love to hear from all of you.

Please don't ask me to put spells up on my site.. the purpose of this site isn't to supply absolutely everything you need.. you need to do some of the work too! Spells are personal things, and I've always found if you write your own spells, putting your own thoughts and feelings into it, the spell in turn will be much stronger and more powerful..

To navigate your way around my site just use the links at the top of my pages.. each button describes itself pretty much but the BOS button is where you will find just about anything you are looking for (and if not, let me know and I'll find it for you!)

Enjoy your stay at Faerie's Wings.. feel free to come back whenever you want and if you'd like to sign my guestbook (link at bottom of page) that would be nice too!


This page was created on 4th April 2001