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My Poetry .
My Adult Poetry +18 only
My Pickies .
My Friends .
My Car .
My Short Stories .
Updates archive .
Quotes page .
Net poets (pip) .
"The Steve Irwin memorial BBQ"
Flissy Web *Coming soon*
Contact Me
[**********TOMMY & FLISSY GOT MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!**********TOMMY & FLISSY GOT MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!**********TOMMY & FLISSY GOT MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!**********]
Last Update :
N/b - All my updates to this point are now being kept in an archive -
this can be found in the menu above.

09/02/10 - Thanks to Will for the quotes, have added them to the quotes page under quote of the month.

08/02/10 - Contact me page is now active. Link in menu above is also now active.

27/11/09 - This morning I have managed to continue some of the upgrades to the site that have now been ongoing for probably 4 years! I've sorted a lot of the link issues out and have managed to upgrade the appearance of a fair amount of pages which I had planned to do but never got around to doing. I never realised how much I still had to do on the site :S Hopefully coming soon is the contact me page.

25/11/09 - My first update as a married man... Sorry it took so long :S Busy and all that, just wanted to say that I've been tinkering with the site a bit but nothing major yet... Watch this space.

10/02/09 - Check out the all new re-mastered *spandangly* quotes page, needed a little help with the 'submit a quote bit' but I wasn't far out with the code :)

07/02/09 - Problems I'm afraid, my search bar stopped working so have had to re-work it all a bit... This meant that I also had to change the whole title menu (hense the changes)... Good news is that I believe that the new lay-out is beter and should be a long-term solution. Also have spent a bit of time receantly sorting out links... I think every link on my site actually works (Except the ones which say coming soon). So just to clarify... Website working, menu working, search bar working... Good good good :D

15/01/09 - Wahoo, survived 2008, 2009 so far so good, last 2 weeks I have been quite busy and even spent much of New Years Eve online tinkering with the site, have got heaps done; A lot of changing links and wording continueing the good work I made at the end of last year, hopefully you will also notice additions to the car pictures on My Car page and a major re-think on the page layout. If you care to take a look, another new addition is that there are now pictures on the Pictures of me page, have also added Fliss to My Friends page. Am going to tackle the poetry next whenever I get time.

30/12/08 - More updates to the site - Have sorted it so it looks a bit more professional again and so that it is at least a little easier to navigate... Also please notice the changed links menu at the top of the page; Looks different and there are some nice new additions; Including the all new search bar using Google.

29/11/08 - I'm NOT dead, but since I last updated Guns N' Roses!!! actually released an album, that's how long it's been! But I've not been inactive...
I hope people are noticing a more professional look and feel to my website, It's because I'm neatening it all up and being a bit smarter about how I present stuff... Shock, shock, horror, horror!
In other news... I'm getting married as you all know, what you don't know is that this website will continue and there will be a whole host of new features, to include: Wedding pictures and details page, Fliss's page and a search bar (hopefully) so you can navigate from my page to anywhere on the net.
On the subject of poetry, it will keep coming but may be a while before anything new gets on here.
Love to you all.

24/09/07 - Have now got a working guestbook if anyone wants to leave a message. Gonna try and get some more done on the site soon.

26/07/07 - Ok... whole other year now, year older and not alot changes - I'm still not good enough at geting online to sort this out, have just spent about 9 or 10 hours when I should be sleeping over the last couple of nights sorting stuff out and that's when I realised how much still has to be done but i am getting there now and you will notice the differences... Hopefully u'll be able to access some different pages under my poetry now aswell :) .... I'm gonna keep cracking and once I've got all that sorted I'm gonna sort my pictures pages out and over haul the whole lot :) .... Big plans; Please bear with me as it all takes time ... Which as ever i don't really have in abundance :( .
Catcha all soon.

27/11/06 - Have decided it's about time I changed my quote as it's been up there for absolutly ages. I will get around to finishing the Steve Irwin Memorial BBQ page aswell as soon as I have a bit more time.
Catcha all soon.

06/10/06 - Check out the new link at the top of the page, still under construction as have loads more photos to put up but couldn't wait to put it online.... The Steve Irwin Memorial BBQ !!! Cricky!
12/08/06 - Have just updated my site, eventually have a couple more pictures on "My Friends" page. Got ya Twig !!! Ha ha ha. And about time too, still have a couple more of you to get but you better believe I will get you all !!! You all know where to send your pictures.
Catcha soon.


This is an ongoing project (I hope) - Feel free to keep coming back as I may have updated the site. Please remember I will e-mail on request if you would like occasional updates; Just let me know .

Hey everyone, My names Tom, I am a fitness instructor and a poet . My passions are music, computers,
motor bikes, my car which I spend too much time and money on (ask anyone who knows me) and poetry .
I also love fitness ( hence the job ;) ) and I do a lot of running and strength work .
Poetry is important to me, it gets rid of all the stuff I need to express .
I would promote having a go at poetry to anyone as you don't have to be good, as long as it
comes from the heart .
On this site you can find amongst the pics, my extensive poetry collection . I hope you enjoy
reading it . Some of the material may be offensive or not suitable for youngsters, anything
that is written in my poems is just a view point, and neither should be
taken as my view or targetted or threatening . Enjoy .
Many Thanks Tom .

Any problems or critisisms or chat/compliments!?! etc. Will be most welcome, You can leave
your message on my guestbook .
