This is supposed to be the "about me" area. I don't like talking about myself, but I can suffer a brief bio. I live in the middle of California, which I call crackhead central Merced. This summers highest temp. is 104, and the only enjoyment I have to beat the heat is the Ceres Drive-in. Here in Merced there are to many crackheads, and not many witches. Sort of sad since I'm a Celtic witch. So on with the brief Bio. I am an aspiring writer. My first Novel was finished Feb. '01, and my second July '02. One day I will find a nice agent who will want to help me get published. I love working on webspages. Have millions, you'll find them if you look around long enough.
So down below is some of my crap. To much time, I can do tons, but I don't. Poke around, and find something you like.

I spend to much time in LaLa land.

Where ya wanna go?

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