tek's rating: pending

The Ray Bradbury Theater, on Global (Canada) / HBO (s1-2, USA) & USA Network (s3-6, USA)
IMDb; Retro Junk; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon

This ran from 1985-86 on HBO, and from 1988-92 on USA Network. I never saw any of it when it first ran, but I thought I might have seen a bit of it in reruns on Sci-Fi, or something. However, when I started watching it on Amazon in 2018, I kind of felt like I must have been confusing it for some other series. But anyway... it's all based on stories by Ray Bradbury. And the show's intro has him giving a description of the series, which is pretty cheesy, and not very believable. I mean, he says "exactly one half exhilaration, exactly one half terror." So far, I haven't found either of those adjectives to be applicable to any of the episodes I've watched. Mostly it's pretty boring and silly. And yet... I can't stop watching. Partly that's because I keep hoping to find episodes I like (and to be honest, some are better than others), and partly it's because it's fun to see guest stars who are familiar to me from other things.

Season 1 (six episodes)
Episode 2, "The Playground," is memorable because it stars William Shatner, though I didn't think much of the story. Episode 4, "The Town Where No One Got Off," stars Jeff Goldblum, but I didn't think much of the story. Episode 5, "The Screaming Woman," stars a young Drew Barrymore, and actually I guess the story isn't too bad. Episode 6 has a banshee in it. (I like banshees.)

Season 2 (twelve episodes)
Episode 2, "Skeleton," stars Eugene Levy, but I didn't think much of the story. Episode 4, "Gotcha!" stars Saul Rubinek. I kind of liked the romantic relationship in that episode, at least until things started getting weird. When I watched episode 6, "The Small Assassin," I commented on facebook that it reminded me of Family Guy. Episode 11, "There Was an Old Woman," is... interesting.

Season 3 (twelve episodes)
Episode 1, "The Dwarf," is one I kind of liked, mainly because it starred Megan Follows. Episode 4, "The Wind," is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen, but not in an entertaining way. Episode 6, "A Sound of Thunder," has time travel, dinosaurs, and changing history. So it's interesting, I guess. Episode 9, "To the Chicago Abyss," has a story I wanted to like, but I didn't manage to find it particularly believable. Episode 10, "Hail and Farewell," stars Josh Saviano (from The Wonder Years), and it's kind of interesting.

Season 4 (twelve episodes)
Details coming sooner or later, maybe.

Season 5 (eight episodes)
Details coming sooner or later, maybe.

Season 6 (fifteen episodes)
Details coming sooner or later, maybe.

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