social justice links: guidelines & intersectional issues
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So... I've got pages for my thoughts on racism and sexism, and on each of those pages I had lists of links to articles or videos about those issues. But I finally decided to move those links to a page specifically for links. That saved space on the other pages, as well as giving me a place to include links about issues other than just racism and sexism. However, even that page started getting too long, so I eventually broke it up into a few separate pages for different social justice issues.

Also note that some of the articles I link to on this page may be mostly about a specific issue like sexism or racism, but I try to include things here instead of on those pages if I see much of any intersectionality in it at all. Then again, there are undoubtedly some things I link to on other pages instead of here, even if they do have a bit of intersectionality in them.

Please note, this is mostly just stuff I've seen shared on facebook or learned of elsewhere, starting in May 2014. As such, these links barely scratch the surface of the subjects they address. There is much more research you or I or anyone can do on these subjects, which is beyond the present scope and purpose of this page. (Also note that links I add to this page may include articles, videos, etc., which were made long before I first saw them.) Some of the links I share here will be negative (showing society's problems), others will be positive (showing ways society is changing for the better and/or offering advice on how to help change society and ourselves).

TW/CN: some of the sites linked to from this page will talk about traumatic issues. Also, some use problematic language, particularly ableist terms to describe bigoted or classist people or attitudes.

guidelines for social justice discussion/debate & activism

3 Things To Consider When Choosing Between Calling Someone Out Or Calling Them In
4 Ways White People Can Process Their Emotions Without Bringing the White Tears
5 Tips for Being an Ally (video)
6 Signs Your Call-Out Isn’t Actually About Accountability
9 Ways We Can Make Social Justice Movements Less Elitist and More Accessible
Don't Feed the Trolls, and Other Hideous Lies
Excommunicate Me from the Church of Social Justice
How to Apologize When You Get Called Out (video)
How To Do Intersectionality
The magical thinking of guys who love logic
No, It's Not Your Opinion. You're Just Wrong.
A Note on Call-Out Culture
Playground Politics: Monsters (video)
So You Call Yourself an Ally: 10 Things All 'Allies' Need To Know
Sometimes Allies Are Bad Actors
This artist brilliantly tackles the concept of 'being offended' in a colorful comic. (comic)
Why Progressives Should Stop Using Violent Rhetoric
Words for Cutting: Why We Need to Stop Abusing "The Tone Argument"

intersectional issues

5 Helpful Answers To Society's Most Uncomfortable Questions
5 Tips For Better Inclusion in Tabletop Games
5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters
6 Awful Things That Happen When We Think 'Good' People Can’t Be Rapists or Abusers
7 Things People Who Say They're 'Fiscally Conservative But Socially Liberal' Don't Understand
20 empowering children's books that celebrate diversity and social justice.
The Ableist, Racist, Classist Underpinnings Of ‘Laziness’
Against the Tropes: Five Black Women in Horror Discuss Racism, Sexism, and More
The Alt-Right is Killing People
The American civil war didn't end. And Trump is a Confederate president
The Black Feminist’s Guide to the Racist Sh*t That Too Many White Feminists Say
The Black Girl Pushout
The Black Woman’s Tale: Why Margaret Atwood’s Espousal of White Feminist Beliefs Shouldn’t Surprise You
Breaking Down the Problem with Mansplaining (And Other Forms of Privileged Explaining)
Christian: You Are Upset About the Wrong Things
The Counted: People killed by police in the US
Day 1 in Trump’s America
Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person
Hate in Schools
How Black Girls Aren’t Presumed to Be Innocent
I Don’t Grieve Over His Cruelty. I Grieve Over Yours.
I Don’t Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People
If you've never heard of the gender pay gap, watch Corporate America get schooled on it by 4 kids. (video)
Last Week Tonight: Bias in Medicine (video)
Mom Writes Viral Twitter Thread Showing How Teens Become White Supremacists
No, We Won’t Calm Down – Tone Policing Is Just Another Way to Protect Privilege (comic)
Of Course Florida School Shooter Was A Girl-Hating White Supremacist. Of Course I Am Tired Of Writing This Article.
On Wyatt Cenac, 'Key & Peele,' And Being The Only One In The Room
Pop Culture Detective Agency (webseries)
Privilege 101: A Quick and Dirty Guide
Privilege Gives Us Bad Instincts, By Design
Progress Never Just Happens— We Must Always Fight For It
The psychology behind the unfunny consequences of racist and sexist jokes
The Rhetoric Tricks, Traps, and Tactics of White Nationalism
The Root of All Cruelty?
Sad Puppies Review Books (satire)
Sexy Lamp Test
So, Now You Want Civility?
Social Justice Bard (blog)
Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is
Tabletop Gaming has a White Male Terrorism Problem
This adorable cartoon explains privilege in the most nonconfrontational way possible (video)
Watch SNL’s Sasheer Zamata Make White Male Privilege Funny (video)
What Is Privilege?
What “Taking the Country back” means for the rest of us.
When A Woman Deletes A Man’s Comment Online
White Men Don’t Own Nerd Culture, And I’m Not Stealing It
Why Are Charges Still Pending Against a Black Woman Who Was Brutalized By Cops
Why Police Are So Good at Busting Pot Smokers and So Bad at Keeping Women from Getting Murdered
Why Straight White Dudes Don't Get Offended as Often as Normal People Do
Why Women Are So Angry with Sanders
Wondermark: The Terrible Sea Lion (comic)
Yes, there is a free speech crisis. But its victims are not white men
You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you (comic)

Links Index