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Chris' Kewl Stuff!!!

Under Construction!

Its not my fault if this blows up your computer...

OK, this site is just getting started. I want to get a lot of different things on here, so I don't really know where this is going. I know I want to put some stuff about my friends and lots of anime (like Ranma 1/2 and Battle Angel) on here. I might put some kewl StarCraft stuff here to (if I can figure out how to uplaod the maps so you can download them). If you have any suggestions or stuff I could use, fell free to e-mail me. If you do me a favor, I'll do what I can for you. Thanks a bunch from your new webhost, Chris...

4-24-01 OK, I'm just getting started... Come back soon for updates. I'm starting to build my other pages now, but I probably won't link them till I'm almost done. And be sure to check out the first "Kewl Site", it belongs to my girlfriend, Cayce. The second is the offical Counting Crows site and the third is a kewl Starcraft site.

4-25-01 OK, I just uplaoded some stuff and my Fic page and Pics page are up(don't look for too many pics right now). I'll be helping my friend Eric with his new website, so it might slow me down a little. But its now 4 in the morning and I think I should go to sleep. Goodnight y'all...

4-26-01 Well, I'm getting a lot done. I have to format and crop a lot of pics so I can get em in here. Make sure to read my story, tell me what you think. Umm, lots of pics going up tonight. Keep coming back for more. I still don't know exactly what I'm gonna be putting on this page. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

4-27-01 OK, very little happening tonight... I just uploaded some more pics and got my second pics page started. I'm gonna add a link or two at the bottom of this page. Thanks for your patience... (Uploads are going to get scarce for a while, I'm going to Myrtle Beach for a week.)

6-07-01 Well, Its been almost 2 months since I decided to do anything with this page. And theres good reason too... Theres been a bit of trama in my love life and I've had to do a lot of soul-searching. I don't think I'll be updating much in the near future, I'm considering deleting everything and starting from scratch. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. Thanks for your patience...

1-15-02 Ok, its been a good 6 months since I've even looked at this page and... Surprise: its still exactly the same as when I left it. I think its time for a serious overhaul. Anyway, expect things to be moving slowly, because I won't have a computer after this weekend.

12-26-02 OK, once again I've neglected my web page, this time for about a year. If you couldn't tell, I'm not very good at keeping up with long term projects. But I'm starting my life over now. I've had a really bad breakup with my girlfrind of 4 years, whos pics are all over this site. So please bear with me as I try to figure out what I'm gonna do with all this stuff. But, in the meantime, all instances of the word "girlfriend" can be replaced with the word "ex-girlfriend". I've also started using a kewl site called I can write entries, just like a journal, and they are posted online. I'll provide a link to it later. Well thats enought for now... I think I should make an update page and a ramblings page or something like that so you don't have to read all this right on the main page.

Go see my pics! Go read my fic!

Things We'd Like To Put On Our Computers

Some Kewl Sites!!! : a kewl online journal!!!
Counting Crows offical website
Starcraft Maps & News
