Sex is the core of material entanglement and the basis of moral degradation and yet the society considers as the primal form of pleasure and attachment. As Immanuel Kant beautiful insinuated it “sexuality destroys the moral basis of any relationship”. This is indeed an Axiom from the perspective of religion as Lord Krishna instructs mankind, “sex is for procreation of god conscious children only and certainly not as a pleasure potency”. Christianity, Buddhism and Islam follow the similar doctrine when it comes to sex and all having one similarity, “sex is for procreation only”. In the world of Western Philosophy, such credence of detachment from sex life has indeed been held of highest probity. The emblem of Western Philosophy which had been fathered by Socrates who himself practiced aloofness from “sexuality”. Sex has numerous repercussions and as well as much virulence to the individuals and the society but yet this human race evolves around this scope seeking this illusionary, ill-fated, karma binding and detrimental servitude.

In virtue of the nature of sexual desire, a person who sexually desires another person objectifies that other person, both before and during sexual activity. Sex, says Kant, "makes of the loved person an Object of appetite . . .. Taken by itself it is a degradation of human nature" (Lectures on Ethics, p. 163). Certain types of manipulation and deception seem required prior to engaging in sex with another person, or are so common as to appear part of the nature of the sexual experience. As Bernard Baum rim makes the point, "sexual interaction is essentially manipulative--physically, psychologically, emotionally, and even intellectually" ("Sexual Immorality Delineated," p. 300). We go out of our way, for example, to make ourselves look more attractive and desirable to the other person than we really are, and we go to great lengths to conceal our defects. And when one person sexually desires another, the other person's body, his or her lips, thighs, toes, and buttocks are desired as the arousing parts they are, distinct from the person. The other's genitals, too, are the object of our attention: "sexuality is not an inclination which one human being has for another as such, but is an inclination for the sex of another . . .. [O] Only her sex is the object of his desires" (Kant, Lectures, p. 164).

Sex is fractionating due to the fact it acts on impulse and the body, which is a “constructed union” turns into a subject and victim of this faction (sex). Sex operates on binding the individuals to its illusionary pleasure and spontaneously penetrating the once “well constructed union” and fractionalizing it into so many segments that the individual is unable to realize it. The union which has been invaded by a shadow less and faceless foe considers it self to be “impregnable” but in fact has been tormented and divided into uncountable fragments. The union than becomes gradually becomes bewildered and living in utter havoc. The individual states chastising other premises except “sex” for the calamity that has arisen from acquiring sex life. Man becomes an animal without human conscious but still subjected to the law of karma (for any material activity performed the nature places an equal reaction on the performer) which non-humanoid species are not themed at. Sex only incurs anti-karma, which sinks individuals deeper and deeper in this quicksand know as material quandary. Humanity gets submerged to such a level of attachment and affliction that they are governed towards greater indulgence, passion for hedonism and sense pleasure.

When engaged in this form of sense pleasure, individuals then become the servant of the senses. We are born to conquer our sense and certainly not to be its servant but this abominable behavior makes us the slaves of these materially driven senses. Once the sense are deluded, this “cancer” infects the mind, penetrating the defense system against agitation and once this infiltration is complete, the mind is subdued into various forms of mental havoc. We may not realize this because the sex impulse besides indulging us into immoral behavior also sprouts illusion, which makes us consider it to be a reality when it’s not the case. It is the body that is engaged in various materialistic activities, the soul or the spirit or the conscious or anti-material particle remains aloof but is “caged in this tomb like body”, suffering the virulence of materialism

Further, the sexual act itself is peculiar, with its uncontrollable arousal, involuntary jerking, and its yearning to master and consume the other person's body. During the act, a person both loses control of him and loses regard for the humanity of the other. Our sexuality is a threat to the other's personhood; but the one who is in the grip of desire is also on the verge of losing his or her personhood. The one who desires depends on the whims of another person to gain satisfaction, and becomes as a result a jellyfish, susceptible to the demands and manipulations of the other: "In desire you are compromised in the eyes of the object of desire, since you have displayed that you have designs which are vulnerable to his intentions" (Roger Scruton, Sexual Desire, p. 82). A person who proposes an irresistible sexual offer to another person may be exploiting someone made weak by sexual desire (see Virginia Held, "Coercion and Coercive Offers," p. 58).

Moreover, a person who gives in to another's sexual desire makes a tool of himself or herself. "For the natural use that one sex makes of the other's sexual organs is enjoyment, for which one gives oneself up to the other. In this act a human being makes himself into a thing, which conflicts with the right of humanity in his own person" (Kant, Metaphysics of Morals, p. 62). Those engaged in sexual activity make themselves willingly into objects for each other merely for the sake of sexual pleasure. Hence both persons are reduced to the animal level. "If . . . a man wishes to satisfy his desire, and a woman hers, they stimulate each other's desire; there inclinations meet, but their object is not human nature but sex, and each of them dishonors the human nature of the other. They make of humanity an instrument for the satisfaction of their lusts and inclinations, and dishonor it by placing it on a level with animal nature" (Kant, Lectures, p. 164).

Finally, due to the insistent nature of the sexual impulse, once things get going it is often hard to stop them in their tracks, and as a result we often end up doing things sexually that we had never planned or wanted to do. Sexual desire is also powerfully inelastic, one of the passions most likely to challenge reason, compelling us to seek satisfaction even when doing so involves dark-alley groping, microbiologically filthy acts, and infidelity.

Sex is viewed in the mainstream society is a pleasure potency but as a matter of fact it is the worst form of entanglement. It degrades the human character, sinks us deeper into this material mire, and it is the greatest impediment in spiritual enlightenment. Sex develops attachment, which is chief source of lamentation. Lamentation opens door to frustration and anger, which is an example of emotional block. As the mind gets occupied in this detrimental concoction other thinking errors take their form. For instance the individual would be “caught” in his head unable to sense his surrounding exhaustively, perceptual block. As perceptual block takes it’s toll, intellectual and cultural block arise. The concerned individual would not be able to appreciate others nor accept them in his vicinity that differs from him or her in beliefs and convictions.

It can be encapsulated that sexuality is the root of moral degradation and cause of social disgust in our society and indulgence in this hedonistic activity has relegated the human conscious to that of animals. Animals and humans are equal yet conscious that humans are endowed with leading to “truth realization” has been agitated and turned into virulent “equipment” due to sexuality. The bottom line is sexuality is not only detrimental to the concerned individual but that of the entire race of living entities. Sex should be eliminated entirely for both spiritual and material development.