[an error occurred while processing this directive] KIMBERLEY!! What happend today? Questionable Content
The Latest of KIMS life!!

? Friday, April 19th, 2002
8:32 PM

Just thinking:

Why do I always do these on a Friday?

SHUT UP and stop complaning.

What am I listening to? Screaching girls.... don't ask.

My brain dead sister didn't exactly get the whole George Stroumboulopoulos part. She was just happy that she got to see his face. *rolls eyes*

Ok i'm going to stop talking about my sister cause this isn't her web site. IT'S ALL MINE!

On The Net

Ahh the internet. My life line. Well I have been going to bored.com a lot. If your sitting there bored on the net, suggest that you go there. It's full of stuff to do while on the net.


Who's The Boss
Ya for some reason my mother has started watching Who's The Boss again and... so have I. Now THAT is Toni Danza at his best.

E-mail me.

Like you have anything better to do!

Aperently im NOT good enough to marry a famous singer!! But, I am good enough to be a dogs mistress!!

? Friday, April 19th

What do I think will happen tomorrow?:

Its been so long
I have to say
Im gonig to Caifionia
Gonna live the life
sippin' on tacilla
Night after night
Dreaming of the moment when everything was right
A little bit of love goes a looooong way tonight

would you like to meet me there?
I'll be dancing on the sand

Well I wont be going to Califonia still... *sigh* but I just spent the last 2 days preparing for my sister's birthday party. Tomorrow is clean up day.

? Friday, April 19th

You know what?:

I get freaked out by people very easy. I don't like being around people... so I fear I will grow up and be that 'old neighbor lady with 1000 cats' The one all the kids are afraid of and dare each other to knock on her door on Halloween.'Go on! Do it! Or are you chicken?'

"I say no to drugs, but they don't listen" -- Marilyn Manson


Mr. Clack. I know what your thinking. 'what?' Well here's the thing. My gym teacher for this term is the worst teacher I have ever met. My friends and I were actually considering going up to Mr. Clack and begging him to teach us Rugby.

Mr. Malcome. The most stupid teacher I have ever met. He is trying to teach us rugby, but he just can't do it right. He calls bad throws 'faggot throws' What a loser.


Lil' Bow Wow

I'm sorry, but I find this kid a joke. Just because his father is a rapper, doesn't mean that he can rap as well. If you ask me, rapping doesn't require much talent and this kid definatly proves it. Oh but NOW he is old enough to just be BOW WOW.... because like after your 14, your not little anymore. With or without the lil' part in it, he will still be a joke to me... and many.
Bottom Line: Grow up and then come back so you can be eaxactly like every other rapper out there kid

What do you call cheese that's not yours? NACHO cheese!

If you didn't get that joke, you have to pronounce nacho cheese to understand the meaning.

I don't understand rap.

Ok so I want to tell you my plans for the future..... I plan on buying a raw chicken at Safeway and nameing it Dave. Then I will get my own morning radio show and Co-host the radio show with the chicken. And because it isn't alive, it wont say anything. So i'll say things like "so how are you?" ohwe Dave is haveing a bad day and doesn't want to talk right now. And our pictures will be on City Transit Buses (me holding the raw chicken) BWAH HA HA HA!!

? Friday, April 19th


I got a fairly good report card mark! YAY SCHO0OL!... sorry.. I know that was gay... but I won two awards for my school work... and that's good.
The best mark I got was on this HUGE written test... I got 91%!! BOO YA!

? Friday, April 19th


I had such a horrible dream last night. I was friends with all these people and my life was great. But then I people started telling me that they hated me, and that they don't like hanging around with me.

There's always that person that you don't really like, but hang out with anyway, right? Well in my dream, I was that person. My family, my friends, and even my internet friends were like 'were don't like you. We never liked you....ect.' my internet friends said I have changed too much and they don't like me anymore. They decided to become friends with my sister instead.

Friday, March 1st

You know what?:


? Friday, February, 22nd

You know what?:

Korn Gone Porn

Did you hear? The guy from Korn now desided that he wants to direct porn for Vivid Video. (loser) He says "I just think I want to do the anti-typical cheesy porn--I want to do stuff that's cool," Much Music said "Maybe he'd like to direct Britney Spears' next music video?" I agree. Maybe one day he will be working with Snoop Dogg who ALSO has entered the porn industry.