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The Ultimate CTY Lancaster History

Okay, okay, so maybe it isn't so ultimate quite yet... but I am steadily working on filling in these pages. When I finish this'll have detailed information about Lancaster and the people that attended there, all the way back to the first session in '82. For now, have fun exploring the pages I have running so far.

Choose Your History...

About this site : pretty self-explanatory title, eh?
A General History: a summary of all CTY Lancaster happenings
Lancasterian Traditions: history for all of the traditions celebrated at Lancaster like passionfruit, bathrobes on Thursdays, and all about the dances.
The Groups: a description of each of the group of Lancaster returners that have kept the traditions going.
The Language: definitions of terms commonly used at CTY Lancaster.
Lancaster Card Games: descriptions of card games that have been created or are commonly played at CTY Lancaster.
Lancaster's Rules: CTY Lancaster site rules.
My Sources: links to the people and websites I got my information from

Email: Historian/WebMaster