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Welcome to my website.

May 1, 2006

It's about time I got rid of this rather embarrassing website. Or its contents, at the very least.

And I actually had my real email address written on the page. What was I thinking? No wonder I've been getting so much spam.

And my full name. So anyone who pleases can google me, and it's my own damn fault. I'm sorry, Googlers: I mean, they can search for me on Google.

Anyway, no longer.

Some updates:
*I have two cats.
*The Internet on my computer doesn't work.
*I live in San Francisco. My apartment is beautiful.
*I take continuing studies classes with old people.
*Last night I found a family of weevils in my chili peppers.
*Schwarzenegger outlawed foie gras, and I think it's a crime.
*The BART is the worst public transportation in the world, bar none.


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