I got my web address at www.dot.nu for free!
This is from that movie, "Bring it On." Haha...the opening cheer was funny..
I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot, I'm b****in', great hair, The boys all love to stare, I'm wanted, I'm hot, I'm everything you're not, I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate the school, Who am I? Just guess, Guys wanna touch my chest, I'm rockin', I smile, If anything I'm vile, I'm flyin', I jump, You can look but Don't you hump, Whoo I'm major/danger, I roar, I swear I'm not a whore, We cheer and we lead, We act like we're on speed, You hate us 'cause we're beautiful, Well we don't like you either, We're cheerleaders, We are cheerleaders, Roll call

This site is only a test site for HTML crapk bye.

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