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Join The fReaKs of StarCraft

To join this clan fill out this form and click the Join Now! button at the bottom. Only click it once plz!

Your email address: (e.g.:

What is your new name for the clan? (only 15 characters in total)

What is your ICQ# if you have one

Check boxes that refer to you.

  I am fairly new to Starcraft and
  I can't log on bots
  I am very active.
  I am very advanced at playing StarCraft.
  I can log on bots

These are Specialties that are for members in the clan. You must be capable of being the one(s) you choose. You don't HAVE to choose any of them though! For more on Specialties, check the SPECIALTIES on the Tool Bar.

  Recruiter (good at recruiting, does it often)

  Adviceman (can answer most question about things arround SC &

  Botmaster (active, can log on bots)

  SC Trainer (Expert at SC and is able to train others)

  Strategist (Should be close to expert player, submits new strategies to the strategy site

Here you can give me suggestions for the site or maybe tell me something about something you chose or told me, whatever! Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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