the realm of the cat

I'm tired and I'm hurt and it's been a damn long semester. Yeah, I really need. . .
I don't know what I need.

So, I'm going to be free from life and crap, at least partially, from approximately the 17th of May until the 16th of June, or thereabouts.

Hope is that I'll actually get my act together and update this webpage, add some photos, actually put a gallery together, and put a lot of my work up.

But I'm tired right now, and for some unknown reason, I feel betrayed.

The meat of the matter
My friends and family in pictures, plus some narcissism
A little about me and some dirty little secrets
the real dirty secrets
My plans for world domination
places to go when you can't stand the mediocrity
The real reason I think is evil
weird stuff as heard by a weirdo
