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3.18 Heeeeey... lookit that. It's Cammie. Who's that, you say? Oh, just some chick who used to hang around here and update... haven't seen her for a while. Yeah, hi ^^ So, we've both been busy and lazy and crazy and such, so no updates. Luckily, today I got unlazy and made a whole Malice Mizer Page. Go me!!

1.19 I put up the weiss theme again, since it wasn't xmas anymore, and weiss is just that great. Enjoy it some more!

1.8 Woohoo, first update of the new year! And my first update in a LOOONG time... sorry, guys. Anyway, I added a new chapter to "Go," Chapter 7, so go read it and make me feel good about finally updating.

12.27 Curse our laziness! Ah! And I didn't even do anything big, in fact, it's so little it's hardly worth mentioning. I simply did a bit of work (though it could hardly be called work) on the fanfiction page. Yeah.

11/30 Another bg update, that's two in a row! Wow! Well, I made ::drumroll:: our first two thumbnailed image galleries! One for X and another for escaflowne. Yay! Hope you love them!

11/29 I re-did the Tori page. I have one thing to say, image maps are a pain in the arse. That's right. From now on they won't be so tricky, but this being my first I encountered so many problems... my head just wants to explode. Anyway, you had better enjoy it!

10/25 I got a new toy, Microsoft Front Page, so woo, new look! Happy Happy Happy! It's now all lovely and weiss-y. There's still a few more things I'll add sooner or later, and a couple of things I want to make better, but they will all come in due time. For now, just enjoy the only new layout we've had since this page opened.

10/12 (only technically, I still have yet to go to sleep from the 11th) Hi all! Look at the new Chobits-ness. Lovely, ne? Anyway, it's REALLY late, and I did lots of stuff tonight, so... 'night. Oh, I got the new Our Lady Peace cd from a buddy, it kicks butt!

10/8 Hi all! I wrote a teeny little nonsense weiß fic Weiß and Lungs. We have blogs, if you didn't know, this is mine. If Cammie wants hers here, she can do it, I mean, I don't want to put it here if it's one huge, ELEPHANTINE secret. Okie dokie. Bye!

10/4 Heeey... look at that long span of not-updating. Exciting. Well, not really, but you know what is? This new Huzzah done by my friend Susie. Featuring... someone very special. ^_~ Oh, and guess what else! I did stuff! I made my very own humble shrine to Gackt Camui. The song info page isn't working yet, but go check out the other stuff!

9/12 Ert... so sorry we (I) haven't been updating, everything's been crazy since school started. So yeah, I added a couple of chapters to Go so go read them. Oh, and I discovered that our image gallerys don't work and haven't been working for a while, so we'll try to fix that soon.

8/21(but only for a few more minutes) Guess what? No, not a chicken butt, you moron, another Weiß related update. I made a page having to do with the seiyuu. I just put down some of the other voices they had done. Not a pretty addition, it's just words, but I found some of these discoveries interesting. Alright, Bye!

8/14 Another update by me! Yes! I'm stick stuck on Weiß, which is a wonderful thing, so I made another Weiß related update, a Schwarz Gallery. Heck yeah!

8/13 It's an actual update! Woo! I added pics to Ken's Gallery. I also made a humble little page celebrating Ken x Omi. So, Huzzah! There is more to come, tomorrow most likely, so yay!