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kEwL bAnDs

This is the page where i tell you what bands are kewl and you smack youself in the head and say, "my God, she's right! Why am i not listening to these kewl bands right now? Why have i been wasting my time on the crap i listen to?" And then you go get lotsa this music. Hehehe, so i hope you enjoy broadening your horizens in music, because i'm sure you've never heard some of my stuff here. Enjoy!


HAWKSLEY WORKMAN is my favorite singer, well, actually, I think he's at a tie with Miz Naked, hehe. He's really individual and at 25, or is it 26 now...has already accomplished so much. He's really kewl, ya should have a listen. CLICK FOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


BIF NAKED, is, and will forever be, one of the kewlest singers around. She is definatly one my faves. She's a little different, and lots of people immediatly jump to a krazy conclusion that she's some sort of angsty female, i assure you, she is not. CLICK FOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


This is a new band, that Bif Naked's record company, HER ROYAL MAJESTY'S RECORDS, produced, LIVE ON RELEASE. They are all about 15 years old, and i really like their sound. CLICK FOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


I discovered the MEDIAEVAL BAEBES, while trying to find out some info on the song Aria. I got some of there music and thought it sounded really kewl. It has a totally different sound, and i guess you can only describe it as Midevil. CLICK FOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


I found out about AIR, after i saw The Virgin Suicides. They did most of the music and i thought they sounded really kewl. I downloaded some albums, and they are now one of my favorite bands. CLICK FOR A WEBSITE.


I don't really remember how i came across THE CRANBERRIES, but i really like the way they sound. It's really nice music, without all the swearing and stuff, which by the way, i HATE! Anywho, i really really like The Cranberries. CLICK FOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


Somehow i managed to trip over this group a few years ago, and i have no idea why i neglected to put GARBAGE on this page, but i did. I really like their music and style. When i feel like listening to something that's a little different this is a good choice. CLICK FOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


I didn't actually start listening to BJORK until very recently when i rented DANCER IN THE DARK and i loved it. The music was fantastic and so was the story and it got me really interested in her. So i thought she deserved a spot on the page. CLICK FOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


I'm pretty sure i got interested in RUFUS WAINWRIGHT through some of the HAWKSLEY WORKMAN fans. Mainly, Meryle (angel red), hehe. I think he's a great singer, and he's so talented. He has really good fresh music and i'm not sure what you catagorize it as, but i love it. CLICK FOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE.
