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Happy Holidays

We are expecting a new addition to our family. A little girl should be here around January 1st, 2001.  We found out about her while on vacation in Colorado. It was a wonderful vacation where we visited Michelle’s sister, Amy, in Salida. While there we went river rafting, to hot springs, stayed at camp grounds in Colorado and New Mexico, and spent time in Santa Fe and Albuquerque. It is such a beautiful area of our country that neither of us had seen


Living in New Orleans is still a blast for us. We have had several friends and family visit last year to explore this area with us. There is always something going on in this town and we hope to see many more of you out here next year. Last year we spent Mardi Gras in Mobile, Alabama.  Mobile was the home of the first Mardi Gras Parade, but it was very low key compared to the New Orleans celebration.



I am still working at Vision Plaza, spending most of my time at the New Orleans Centre office  next to the Superdome.  I have been feeling great with the pregnancy.  I have been eating well (and often), taking a lot of classes and reading books on having a baby. I am very excited to welcome this baby into our family. We will send out pictures of our little girl as soon as we get a chance to meet her. There are ultrasound pictures of her up on her web page



Residency continues to go well.  Only 2 ½ more years and Louisiana State University will deem me fit to be set loose on society.  This year is much better than last.  I am operating more and getting up less in the middle of the night.  Although, I think I will be getting less sleep as soon as my daughter gets here.  I am very excited to meet her.



Kitty Corner

Our cat Sugar is still alive, and from our previous newsletters you know this is a record for us. She is a wonderful loving cat that adopted us almost two years ago.  She believes that the baby’s room is for her. We often find her sleeping in the crib or on the changing table.  She also loves the fish theme in the room and is fascinated with the fish tank. We are curious about how the baby and the cat will get along in the near future.


Seasons’s Greetings

We hope this holiday season finds you happy and healthy. We wish you much joy in the coming year.

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