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CONCEPT: Wesley seeks redemption in the aftermath of "Sleep Tight". Things get complicated when Faith is released from prison and the Watcher's Council sets out to kill her.

SETTING: Up to "Sleep Tight" and after that I go off into my own AU.

MY NOTES: Ahh..Wes/Faith. Strange? Yes. Sexy? Yes. Bondage? Yes please! A little C/A thrown in just cuz I likes it and you've got a fic, baby! Heavily inspired by Mistiec's fiction and my own fascination with Wesley. Poor guy, he deserves a break.

Nominated in the Shipper Dreams Awards and Halo Awards

1st Place Winner in the Believe Awards, Wes/Faith category. View the award here.

Chapter 1// Chapter 2// Chapter 3// Chapter 4// Chapter 5// Chapter 6//

Chapter 7// Chapter 8// Chapter 9// Chapter 10// Chapter 11// Chapter 12//

Chapter 13// Chapter 14// Chapter 15// Chapter 16// Chapter 17// Chapter 18//

Chapter 19// Chapter 20// Chapter 21// Chapter 22// Chapter 23// Chapter 24//

Chapter 25// Chapter 26// Chapter 27