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Bouncykracker's Darkroom

Where The Chemistry Never Spoils

August 2001

Hey everyone. It's FINALLY up!!! Yes, this page that I've been talking about on and off for about 4 months now is finally up and running. When I started, I didn't know html at all, but I insisted on teaching myself. And now that I'm done with the initial set up of this page, I STILL don't really know html, but I know enough to make a shitty page like this...

Chances are, you know me, so I don't really have to talk about myself. I do plenty of that in person or on instant messenger :-) But if you're curious to see what little facts I decided to post about myself, either because you feel stupid for never paying attention to me during conversations or because you want to see if I'm actually describing myself accurately, go to the Bouncy Realm (mind you, I speak only through images in the Bouncy Realm, so you will not find out much. Ask me yourself, you lazy ass!). In my photo album, you'll find pictures life (how the hell else would I put that?) You may even find a picture or two of yourself (you conceited bastard!) If you're a true friend and care about me, you'll check out my art. You may find nudes...let me emphasize MAY, but hell, if you're desperate enough you should go and look. When you're finally done with all of that, I've listed some links. Some of them are fun and some of them suck, but I put them up there anyway so that certain people won't feel bad. I'm kidding...I'm not that shallow and rude. I'll now quit while I'm ahead, or 4 miles behind, and allow you see for yourself the wonder that is my life...

November 2001

Hey! Where are my motherfucking birthday presents!?! hehe...My Birthday is November 26th. i will be 19, and hopefully 19 will be a fuck of a lot better than 18. Wow, 18 really did suck. First, I start the year off with 2 break ups within 2 weeks, then I lose a bunch of friends, then I find out I can't return to NYU, then I realize that I don't really want to do photography, then I get stuck living at home for a long time....Now year #19 begins...PLEASE BE A GOOD ONE!!!! Oh god nothing can beat the shit I went through in the past year. Man what a shitty year.

Well, I am counting he days until I can go back to college. In January I will go to George Mason University in Fairfax, Va, which is basically right outside of DC. As soon as I settle in I will be making a journey to New York...I have not been in a month now and I am going through withdrawal. I will stop talking for now. I will update when I see is necessary to do so.

December 2001 It's now the end of December, and after much bullshit with George Mason University, I got in, and I got housing, and so on January 17th, I will be out of this hell!! WOOHOO!!! That's pretty much all for now.

The Bouncy Realm

Bouncy's Photo Album

Bouncy's Art

Bouncy's Links

If you have nice comments, broken link reports, ect, e-mail me at bouncykracker@yahoo.comHowever, DO NOT e-mail me about my horrible coding. Reason: IT WAS MY FIRST TIME!!! If you e-mail me about my coding youw ill go on my shit list, and it is very hard to remove your name from that list. It takes much convincing and kissing up. To view the current tormented souls right now, click on Mr. Hanky

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