Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Nikki's Favorite Links

Not that you'd ever want to leave my site -- with all the piles and piles of finished fiction here for you to read (*smirk*) -- but if you did, I'd want to make sure that you found a worthwhile site to go to.

Some really good fiction can be found at Dancing Lessons, or also at Eclectic. Those are Buffy/Spike shipper stories. Of course! And, as long as you're out there, check out the nice folks at FanFiction.Net, who do a whole indexing, searching, hosting gig that's pretty cool. It's stories like this that make me really like FanFiction.net. Hee!

Quick jumps:
BuffyGuide's Buffy/Spike Fanfiction links page
Nauti Bitz's fanfiction. NC-17 and lovin' it.
Just In Buffy fic at FanFiction.Net.

I get all my dish about Buffy episodes at the one, the only buffyguide.com. It's awesome. They even protect you from being accidentally spoiled if you're like me and trying really, really hard to remain unspoiled about upcoming episodes. -- Oh, who am I kidding? I love to brag--er, read spoilers. Check out BuffyNewsWire. And Ain't It Cool News occasionally has good dish.

There's a really great group of Spike redemptionists on Yahoo! Groups. Check them out at the Bloody Awful Poets Society. Insightful, incisive commentary with just a dash of fangirl to keep things lively. And as a fangirl, I appreciate that!

Finally, to prove I really do have a sense of humor about all this, check out The Battle of the Spike Shippers. Although clearly misguided, its author managed to get tickle my funny bone. :)