ALL IN THE FAMILY. Another unfinished story 'cause sometimes we run, sometimes, sometimes we hide, sometimes we're scared of...sorry.

Disclaimer : Yadda, yadda, yadda. This never happened.
Author's Note : I don't know much about Jonathan's family. The characters are all made up, except for the stepmother. In the story, Natalie is Jon's sister. Once their parents got divorced, their father took responsability of their raising. He remarried and now they have a stepmom. Finally, if incest grosses you out --Don't bother reading this.
'Natalie, go get him!'
*Bitch* 'Yes, mom' *What the fuck is up her ass now? She finally did what she've wanted to do for a long time*
'I'm going, I'm going' *You motherfucking slut. If only dad was here* Natalie climbed the stairs as fast as she could and quickly headed towards her stepbrother's room. It was killing her to have to do this. She felt like a traitor. The feeling of guilt because of what happened and the feeling of fear because of what might, hurt her inside. Shit like this happened all the time when her father was not around, but this time, when she heard him scream and fall on the floor, she hated herself. She knew what was coming to him and she didn't do anything to stop it. Nothing. She even tried to ignore it and forget about it. But, what could she have done anyway? *Fuck me. Fuck me for giving up without even trying. I left him alone. I abandonated him...Dad, please come back*
Once she was in front of his door, she pressed her body against it. Natalie wanted to make sure he was ok before she entered the room. She knew how much he hated pity. He wouldn't forgive her if she entered the room and saw him crying. He wanted to protect her, not to be the victim. There were no sounds coming from inside the room so Natalie decided to finally open the door. She didn't have to knock like everyone else in the house. He trusted her. And only the thought of that comforted her a bit.
'Jonathan?' Natalie asked when she saw nobody inside. 'Jonny, are you in here?' *God, please tell me he didn't do anything stupid* 'Jon?'
'I'm here' Jon said in a very low and husky voice 'Inside the closet, Nat'
Natalie quickly opened the closet door. 'Are you ok?' she asked hiding the shock the countless bruises in his body had caused her. *What has she done?Oh my God. I wish you were dead, bitch* 'Oh my God, Jon. What happened?' she tenderly said, trying to sound as calmed as she could, entering the closet so she could sit down next to him. All she wanted to do was kiss him and hug him like a little boy, protecting him from that horrible monster downstairs. *My Jon*
'Close the door' he ordered, showing not only pain and sadness but anger and frustration as well. She obeyed. She needed to feel close to him. She also needed to know if he needed her too. *Just the two of us, like we've always dreamed of. No fear. No pain. Just us*
Silence filled the closet. Both of them stared at the opposite wall, not daring to look at each other, longing for comfort. Natalie started to sob, not being able to hold her tears any longer.
Jonathan turned around, his eyes slowly meeting her body. She was shaking violently and the sight of that broke his heart. His only friend. The only person he could talk to without getting picked on or laughed at, the only one who understood him, or at least tried to. The only person he loved. She was suffering because of him now. He grab her right hand and placed it in his lap, giving it a strong squeeze that made her turn around and face him.
'Don't cry, dammit!...Don't fucking cry' he pleaded, starting to sob and trying to hide his face from her. 'This is all my fault'
'No, it isn't...I'm so sorry, Jon. I got tired of-'
'For God's sake, no!...I love you, Jon. I just got tired of fighting. Fighting all this shit. Fighting that stupid bitch. It's just not worth it'
'Don't say that. We have each other. And we always will' Jonathan embraced her in a tight hug, resting his chin in her shoulder and never letting go of her hand. He had lied. He was also tired of everything. He felt hopeless. Dead. Only her unique scent and tender caresses had the magic to bring him back to life. He let go of her hand and brought her even closer to him. Lifting his head from her shoulder he cupped her face with both hands.
They stared at each other with love and passion. Leaning forward Jonathan kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes. Then he softly kissed her cheek and stopped there, wanting to freeze the feeling of her hot breath in his own cheek, her fastened heartbeats in his own heart. 'I love you too' he whispered in her ear. Natalie turned around, her lips longing for his. Jon was breathing heavily in anticipation. They knew what they were doing was wrong, forbidden. Brothers and sisters just don't do that. They shouldn't. Not even cousins. But not even the nervousness and fear that filled the air could stopped them.
Suddenly, the closet door was opened.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to be continued

STOP :One more story kids, just one more...I promise Bwahahaha.