HUMOUR...why don't you like us?

Title : Stakeout 1/1
Summary : Mulder and Scully in a ...*stakeout*...Oops! We gave the story away!
Disclaimer : M&S belong to CC, 1013 and Fox. We're not making any money with this... even if we wanted to nobody would give us anything!....O.K. maybe people will pay us or pay others to make us stop writing fanfics but doesn't count, right?
Dedicated one...we have no one.
Stakeouts 1/1
Some old cigarette smoking man's house (I'm the only one who knows where he actually lives and there's no way in hell I'm giving it away :)
12:22 a.m.'s Mulder's turn to stay awake....but it's Scully's turn to...make a fool of herself!...
"Oh yessss.....oh yeahhh...."
"This is gonna be good. *Very* good"
"Oh my god....Oh my god....yesssss...."
"Maybe even better"
"Sounds like you were having a *very* nice dream over there...."
"I'm even sorry I woke you sounded quite interesting....kinda my video collection"
"What the hell are you talking about? And you better tell me or I'll..."
"What? What are you gonna do? Don't you want me to live so I can tell you about your little dream?"
"Mulder....shut up"
"That's fine. If your're not interested..."
"OK....What was I saying?..."
"I'm not sure you wanna know...."
"Mulder! Quit your "I'm being a total asshole to my *very* angry partner" game and spill the seeds!"
"You were yelling my name and gasping and ...wait a minute I'm getting very turned on right now...."
"You're a sick pervert Mulder"
"And you're not far away from me"
"What makes you think that I was having a fantasy about you?"
"You're so right. The gasping and the Mulderrrs were probably nothing. I'm such an idiot"
"Mulder I'm getting really tired of this. I don't want you to say one single word about this incident no more, get it?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Good....I'm gonna sleep some more now"
"Sleep well...I know I will"
"Sorry....I couldn't resist"
"Why? Does it mean so much to you?"
"What are you talking about?...I was just kidding around...."
"I think you're lying Mulder"
"You're right....I want you Scully...come here.."
"Mulder! I'm trying to be serious here..."
"You are?"
"What I'm trying to say is that in fact I *was* dreaming about you Mulder....I always do"
"Do you?"
"Yeah, it's great, isn't it? Now let's move on"
"Sorry. It just means a lot to me"
"It does? Why?"
"You know..."
"Tell me"
" know how I feel about you..."
"Tell me, Mulder. Please"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"I know. Your dream was very informative to say the least"
"Mulder, I love you but don't f..force my hand"
"I got your message right"
"So...what do we do now?"
"Wanna make your dream come true?"
"You don't have any chocolate syrup in your apartment, do you?"
"No...but I can get lotsa chocolate syrup right now!"
...5 seconds later and a few blocks away...
"Mulder, slow down! You're gonna get both of us killed"
"Chocolate syrup.....chocolate syrup....chocolate syrup...."
....inside some room in the smoking man's house....
"They're gone"
"I know"
"Our secret --Let's get Spooky and the Ice Queen together-- plan is working out just fine"
"The stakeouts are the key"
"First, they get together and then..."
"We break their trust in each other so we can finally..."
"Get them"
"You can bet we will"
"I know"
"I think that's all for now Agent Fowley"
"Yes. For now"

STOP : Of course, we never finished it. The Master and I got in a fight after we wrote it. I've been trying to talk to him about it but he won't listen to me. What's wrong with him? Please somebody tell me! It was just a ki- Oh yeah, about the story, I think this one is pretty lame, i mean, 'the spooky and the ice queen plan'? Right. Well, let's move on to another monster. We wrote quite a few. Unfortunately. For YOU bwahahaha...sorry...