STOP : This is it. The last fanfic the Master and I wrote. Yes, it's about Christina again. We just love her so c'mon over baby! I'm just joking, I'm just joking. You know I'm a very manly monster, right? Cause I am! Yeah! ....hey those are 2 lovely shoes you're wearing! awww!...wait a minute...hey, don't leave! Oh no! I'm alone again. How are you 'Righty'? And how are you 'Lefty'? It's time to play with the Big Black...Foxy!!!! Yeah!!!

The show must go on
***disclaimer : this is just fiction yadda yadda yadda. dont sue :)
the show must go on ***
fuck i want him so bad
those beautiful blue eyes
that playful smile...kinda kinky and perverted as well
the typical bad boy that believes he's cool and almighty
a real life bart simpson -- red cap and all
a selfish jerk with a huge ego
he must be great in bed
rough and wild, violent even
and the best thing is...he wants me
but i can't surrender
that's the irony of living a charade
not being able to do whatever the fuck i want
singing about being young and free
im legal
im horny
im fucking ready
i want him
he wants me
what the fuck is wrong with this picture?
oh yeah-- i remember now
im a pop star
one of the hottest and not-so-fresh-should-watch-my-back piece of meat
a pre-fabricated sensation
britney spears' worst nightmare
i sing in spanish too you know,
i pretend i'm latina so i can steal some fans away from her and her wannabes
she was a friend of mine not too long ago though
we werent best friends but we got along
and now we're forced to cat fight with each other
used by the media and the press
....even the fans sometimes
they get a kick out of it
almost as much as the haters
funny isnt it?
all i wanted to do was sing
it turned out this wasnt the best job after all
there's the money and the fans
the glamour and the admiration
but where's the happiness and the freedom?
how am i suppossed to fullfill my life
if i gotta be a role model for millions of teenyboppers 24/7?
i can't wait till the next pop sensation kicks my ass out of the charts
maybe then i can finally be me
like it was before my 'dream' came true
im only human
im not a slut but sometimes i wanna feel like one
i want to feel it all
human nature i guess
i dont wanna be a fucking kid forever
how can i grow up like a normal woman
with cameras and managers around me all the time?
one mom's enough to piss me off
what a girl wants = bullshit
i wanna experience life
fucking things up,
messing up, screwing up
learning from my own mistakes
thats what having a life is
what a "girl" wants aint a horny nerd who 'respects her'
i want the real deal
i dont care how vulgar and obscene it is
i want it all
then again
i know i wont have a normal life
i know im just dreaming
but thats my right you know
dreaming about a real life
without giving a flying fuck about britneys or eminems
doing what my heart and body wants me to
im a woman and i should be able to do whatever the fuck i want
just because
its time to go
this should be one of the best moments of my life
dancing and trying to sing good at the same time
ignoring an audience full of haters and bashers
why am i performing for them? giving them ratings and all...
oh yeah---i owe them everything
mtv gives me 'life' and destroys me at the same time
im being used one more time
"Coming up...A surprising performance"
yeah, that's right
i'm giving them what they wanna see
he and i together on stage
like animals in a zoo cage
i'll be singing come on over
he'll sing one of his 'im a reject and i don't care' songs
*holy shit what the fuck is he doing up there? what a skank!*
and yes i know
the show must go on
with victims and all
almost like a real life drama
oops i forgot --- this is my "real" life drama


Oh there you are! I was just waking up from my lil nap! I see Igor has done a great job showing you our lil monsters. Now, be a good kid and SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THEM IN OUR GUESTBOOK!!!! okie? Don't worry if it's good or bad, we're big boys and we will survive. I WILL SURVIVE!!! lalalalala...yeah...yeah...