Oh and we try, and we try and we try and we try and we try...but we just can't help it. Our lame attempt at ANGST!!! Yeah. Not good. But Milagro was such a great ep we had to write something! It was so cool to see Scully almost getting it on with someone else! The Master and I dressed up like cheerleaders that day! We were like 'You go girl! Go Scully! Go!' We had such a good time we still dress up like cheerleaders to watch some eps. We even got some water-filled bras...

Title : Everything changed the day he died
Summary : Scully's thoughts two weeks after Padgett's death.
Disclaimer : The X Files belong to CC, 1013 and FOX.
Everything changed the day he died
It's been two weeks since Padgett died. It's been two weeks of sleepless cryings and dark shadows. It's been two weeks of suffering and self-compassion. I don't remember much about that day. Nightmares take care of that. Pain....panic...death... they haunt me every night... the endless memories...the desperate screams...the frightening truth... it all comes back in my dreams. Nights are ghosts to me...they don't exist anymore. Only danger exists. That's the worst thing...when you don't know your enemies and there are only two fight or to die. And if you're too tired to fight, death is your only hope...your only chance to survive. I don't want to fear life anymore. I don't want to be afraid of anyone. Anything. So I choose death. I'm too weak to fight. Or is it too lonely to fight? Who knows. I only know everything changed the day he died. The day I died.

STOP: Yes, I know. That sucked. Anyway, the next fic is in spanish kids! :( Awww, don't be so sad. Let me tell you a lil story about how that story was born! The Master came up to me one day and asked me if I wanted to take some spanish classes with him. I accepted, of course. We were so excited about those classes we decided to take each other out to some mexican restaurant. Once we got there, we couldn't stop ourselves! It was chaos! Burritos, gorditas, tacos, enchiladas, you name it! We gained 10 pounds and our crazy pet Foxy *yes, we named him after Fox Mulder* had to go to the restaurant and take us home! Foxy was so mad 'cause we didn't save any food for him...Hey kid! where are you going? wait for me! I'm the guide here!