ALL WE WANNA write a story named after a Woody Allen film! Yes, we love Woody. And Woody loves us :)

Title : Everyone says I Love You 1/1
Summary : Mulder has a little trouble saying those 3 famous words...
Disclaimer : Mulder and Scully don't belong to us. They belong to CC, 1013 and FOX. Amen.
Dedicated to : FRIENDS! WE NEED FRIENDS! eMail us to :
Everyone says I Love You
"Say it"
"Say it Mulder"
"C'mon Mulder...don't be a baby"
"I'm not a baby!"
"Then stop acting like one...Besides, everyone knows it Mulder..."
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"You need to get it out of your system...C'mon Mulder...Say it"
"I can't Scully"
"Of course you can"
"I got it!...Maybe if we say it together it'll be easier for you"
"Then let's try...I..."
"Repeat after me...I..."
"C'mon Mulder....I'm getting *really* tired of this"
"I love..."
"Good!...That was *really* good Mulder..."
"I love..."
"Go can do it..."
"I love..."
"Now, say it!"
"I love to watch porn movies!"
"I'm not your therapist Mulder! What the *hell* was that all about?"
"I give up Scully. I just can't say it. I'm really sorry. This has nothing to do with you. It's me. I'm not ready for this. Can't you wait a little longer?"
"I've waited six years Mulder! One more minute and I'm gonna ask Frohike on a date!"
"But I'm not ready..."
"I'm sorry Mulder but I can't wait any longer. Say it or I'll be gone"
"I mean it Mulder"
"I'll do it, I'll do it...Please don't go"
"I'm waiting"
"You want me to do it now?"
"No, can say at the church while I'm marrying Frohike! Yes, I want you to do it now!"
"Alright, alright...I'll say it... Now"
"I'm still waiting"
" I love you Scully! I did it! I can't believe I did it! I did it Scully!"
"Thank you Mulder. That meant a lot to me....I love you too"
"Where do we go from here?"
"We could start talking about marriage"
"But I guess we could wait a little longer, don't you Mulder?"
"I love you Scully"
"Don't worry Mulder...You're safe...For now"

STOP : I dunno why I like this story. Yes, it lacks of plot and descriptions, as usual, but i think it's kinda cute. Don't you, hon? Did I hear someone yell 'More!' Well, you got it, baby! Yeah! ...what's happening to me?!?!?