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We might all think, well, this pollution/globalisation/money hunger/deforestation is not my problem, since I'm not causing it, so it won't affect me.  Well you are utterly WRONG WRONG WRONG!!  Everything we humans do affects every other human in this world!  We are part of one big global community, and our actions now can  affect the way our grandchildren and great-grandchildren live in the not-so-distant-future.  'So, what can I do', I hear you say?  Well there is plenty you can do, its not just about chucking your wrappers in the bin (although you should be doing that anyway!!:).  You don't nessarcerily have to think big, just outside the square you live in.

So, what can you do?  Well, here is a list of things you can do:
- The three R's:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
- Try not to by cosmetics that have been tested on animals, Australis is a brand that is cruelty free
- Plant a tree!
- Do a ritual to help give the Earth strength to survive (see my Rite to the Earth)
- Join a conservation organisation, or, if you don't have the time, donate some money (see my links for some good ones)
- Sign petitions, like on WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature - the panda passport is a group you can join to help with conservation groups)
- Don't buy pashmina - do you realise how they get the fur!!  They have to skin the goats alive to get the leather all intact
- Try not to by leather - although I have broken this rule a fair bit, naughty me
- Do the 40 hour famine (see the World Vision Web Site).  Hey just cause its Christian, doesn't mean its no good!!  They do some much wonderful work!
- Write letter to you state/electorial government about any important environmental issues arising in you area/state
- Thank Geoff Gallop!!  He stopped the logging of the Old Growth Forest in South Western Australia!!
- Be thankful for what you have, soem people have nothing, and some live in absolute dumps, so be thankful for what you have been given
- Visit a park or garden and pick up the litter and throw it in the bin!
- Join in with Clean Up Australia Day
- Don't buy Nestle, Coca Cola, or Mcdonalds, see my Interesting Information page for the reasons why, but the main reason is that they are multinational companies that threaten smaller, independant companies, but also cuase they are evil.....mmmmwwaaahahahahha


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