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Hey there, hot stuff. How's about a little variety, huh? You want some stuff to do? Ok, here you go

And then came Dogma...
The Blur of Insanity
College Life

A large collection of really funny jokes

More on Masturbation

In honor of the end of the school year:

50 things that didn't fit on this page


Best pickup lines:

I may not be the best looking guy here, but I'm the only one talking to you.
If you're going to regret this in the morning, we can sleep until the afternoon.
The fact that I'm missing my teeth just means that there's more room for your tongue.
Yo baby, You be my Dairy Queen and I'll be your Burger King. You treat me right and we'll do it your way.
Nice shoes. Wanna f***?

Other stuff?

"Your drunk grandfathers comics"

Yes, when there are more, it will be its own page!

Found at on 4/3/01 by Alex.

There is no other stuff yet, but be patient, guys, I'm working on it. The midgets are coming!!!

This site is NOT sponsored by RHA or SA
because although this comedy show is only shown on NIU TV, they didn't think we were cool enough to give us any money or something to that respect, however, due to the good nature of our website, we will mention that we like RHA and SA ... for the most part.

This space is to say thank you for all the hard work that everyone has put into the show. -D