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The Parakeet Place

(where the Parakeets hang out)

Hiya! My name is Cosmo Cola. My weirdo owner, Angie Derr, named me after a guy from a Disney movie called Stepsister from Planet Weird. Weird? Yeah. Well anywayz my name is Cosmo and I'm a nice little male Parakeet. Oh and also, be warned I have a wacked sense of humor.

My website isn't going to be much in the beginning 'cause I can't type to well (dumb bird-claws) but I'm practicing and hopefully somedaythis will be the best Parakeet website in the world!! *cough* (Yeah right) *cough cough* I might add some HTML here and there but not a lot because you will become ticked off with your computer for taking so long so then you will leave and that would make me cry....... So I don't add a lot HTML.

My owner is crazy over me!! (I didn't know I was that hott) She gives me tons of treats and lets me fly around when ever I want! Cool huh? She feeds me tons of Millet Spray which is a Parakeet's favorite treat. So I always- - Oh my gosh wait a second!!!! I just told you your first useful information about Parakeets, Millet Spray is our favorite treat! WOWIE!

Whew I'm all worn out of telling you that exciting information! But you want more info so here goes......

P.S Please send me pictures of your Parakeet and I will put them in the pics section. Please send them to the e-mail on the bottom of the screen.
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